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Yalta Armenian Church (Ukraine)
Yalta Armenian Church, built on the steep slope of Darsan Hill after the model of famous medieval St. Ripsime Church in Echmiadzineh, is an architectural gem of Crimea
Armenian Cathedral, situated in the historical centre of Lviv, the so-called Old Town, is an excellent monument of medieval Armenian architecture in Ukraine
Bernardine Church and monastery (Ukraine)
The architectural ensemble of Bernardine Church and monastery on Sobornaya square is a jem of sacral architecture, one of the visiting cards of old Lviv
Chapel of the Boim family (Ukraine)
The Chapel of the Boim family, located near the Archcathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Latin Cathedral) is a valuable monument of Rennaissance architecture in Lviv
Church and Convent of the Benedictines (Ukraine)
Complex of Church and Convent of the Benedictines, built by well-known Lviv architect Paolo Romanus in the end of 16th ct., is an important monument of Renaissance architecture
Church of Our Lady Pirogoschi (Ukraine)
The Church of Our Lady Pirogoschi, standing near the Kontraktovaya Square (formerly Podol marketplace) is a restored replica of 12th century temple
Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Ukraine)
The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Livadia is a small graceful temple in Byzantine style at Livadia Palace, summer residence of Russian tsars
Dominican Church, built in 18th century by the design of Yan de Vitte, is an important monument of the late-Baroque style in Lviv; presently Museum of History of Religion is located here
Kiev Pechersk Lavra, founded in the time of Yaroslav the Wise, is one of the most ancient monasteries in Rus', historic-cultural and architectural reserve, UNESCO heritage site
Latin Cathedral in Lviv is one of the finest examples of polish gothic architecture, here one can find brilliant specimens of painting and sculpture and plastic arts
The Saint Andrew's Church, located on the Dnieper's steep bank above the historical district of Podil, is a visiting card of Kiev and one of the most popular tourist objects
St. George's Cathedral (Ukraine)
The Greek Catholic St. George's Cathedral, constructed in 18th century by Bernard Merettiner, is an excellent example of Baroque and Rococo architecture, the best in Ukraine
St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral (Ukraine)
St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral, a breathtaking example of Ukraine Baroque style, is also famed for its splendid frescos and so-called "glimmering" mosaics
Surb Khach Monastery (Ukraine)
Surb Khach Monastery, located near the small historical town of Staryi Krym, on the wooded slope of Grytsya Hill, is a fine monument of medieval Armenian architecture in Ukraine
Uspenskiy Cave Monastery (Ukraine)
The foundation date of Uspenskiy Cave Monastery, carved out of a cliff, is disputed, although local monks assert that it originated as early as the 8th century. The current monastic establishment dates back to the 15th century
Vacations in Yalta - it is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with the beautiful architecture of its temples
Basilique du Sacré-Cœur (France)
Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, built in the Roman-Byzantine style, crowns the Montmartre hill, from which one can admire an impressive panorama of Paris
To see with one’s own eyes the mysterious and legendary Notre-Dame de Paris - one of the main symbols of Paris – is a dream of any traveler
In the Abbot cemetery, situated about one kilometer away from the main monastery complex, are buried all Abbots of the Valaam Monastery, beginning from Father Damaskin
Alexander Svirsky monastery (Russia)
Reverend Alexander Svirsky, the founder of Alexander Svirsky monastery, was the one of All Saints of the Russian Church who saw the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity
Annunciation Church (1688), a redbrick five-domed temple with three-tier belfry, is a true adornment of Volga Quay. There are well-preserved frescoes by Fyodor Ignatyev's artel (1709)
Antonievo-Dymsky monastery (Russia)
Antonievo-Dymsky Monastery was established in XIII cent. , by Reverend Anthony. It has been destructed several times, but now is revived and opened for pilgrims in 1997
Assumption Church, Nikolo-Rozhok village (Russia)
Assumption Church in Nikolo-Rozhok village is the most interesting example of harmonious combination of Old Russian architectural traditions with the early Baroque style
Assumption of the Mother of God Church (Russia)
Assumption of the Mother of God Church (1553), was the first stone building in the town. Five-domed temple with massive bell-tower; carved iconostasis with icons of 16 c.
Avraamiev-Bogoyavlensky monastery (Russia)
Avraamiev-Bogoyavlensky monastery, according legend founded in 11 c. on the place of pagan temple, dedicated to Veles, is one of the first strongholds of Christian faith in Russia
Belfry of the Uspensky cathedral (Russia)
Belfry of the Uspencky Cathedral (1682-1687) is a unique musical instrument with 15 bells weighing up to 32 tons, which made Rostov chimes famous all over the world
Bogoroditsky Zhitennyi convent (Russia)
Bogoroditsky Zhitennyi convent, a modest cloister, beautiful in its simplicity, is located on Zhitnoy Island in Lake Seliger; it's an important center of spiritual life in the Upper Volga region
Borisoglebsky Monastery (Russia)
Borisoglebsky Monastery - a white-stone stronghold with unassailable walls and mighty towers - is one of the most interesting monuments of pre-Petrine architecture
Borisoglebsky Monastery (Russia)
Truly wonderful in its picturesque multi-styledness architectural ensemble of Borisoglebsky Monastery, the oldest in Tver land, is the main pride and adornment of Torzhok
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (Russia)
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, erected in 1990-ies, is similar in appearance to the temple in the Russian-Byzantine style, built in 19th century by architect Thon and demolished in 1931
Cathedral of Nativity of Virgin (Russia)
Cathedral of Navity of Virgin (1490) was the first stone building in Ferapontov monastery. There are preserved frescoes and icons painted by Dionisius the Wise
Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk, Novodevichy Convent (Russia)
The monumental Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk in Novodevichy Convent was built after the model of Dormition Cathedral in Kremlin; well-preserved frescoes of 16th century
Cathedral of the Annunciation (Russia)
The elegant nine-domed Cathedral of the Annunciation, built in 15th century in tradition of Moscow and Pskov architectural schools, was a family chapel of Moscow Grand Princes
Cathedral of the Archangel (Russia)
The Archangel Cathedral on the Sobornaya Square of Kremlin was built at the beginning of 16th century in the traditions of Russian and Italian architecture by the Venetian Aleviz Novy
Cathedral of the Nativity (Russia)
Cathedral of the Navity (1222-25) is one of the eight famous White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, a masterpiece of Russian medieval architecture
Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour (Russia)
The monumental Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour, built in 1887-1896 in the Byzantine style, is the main gem of the historic-cultural complex of Valaam monastery
Chasozvonya is an architectural monument of XVII century. It is the tallest building of the Novgorod Kremlin
Christ's Nativity (Khristorozhdestvensky) convent (Russia)
The complex of the Christ's Nativity (Khristorozhdestvensky) convent is an outstanding example of stylistically integral architectural ensemble, built in the style of Classicism
Christmas Church with separate standing overgate hip-roof bell-tower of unique architecture is a most interesting monument of Yaroslavl architecture of 17 c.
Church ensemble in Korovniki (Russia)
The most beautiful church ensemble in Korovniki consists of St. John Chrysostom Church, Church of Our Lady of Vladimir, Holy Gates and tall bell-tower known as "Yaroslavl candle"
Church of Elijah the Prophet (Russia)
Majestic Church of Elijah the Prophet with hip-roof side-chapel and bell-tower is one of the most expressive and harmonious architectural ensembles of 17 c. and the symbol of Yaroslavl
Church of Nikola Nadein (Russia)
Church of Nicola Nadein (1620-22) was the first stone temple in Yaroslavsky Posad. It has frescoes by Lyubim Ageev's artel and magnificent gilded Baroque iconostasis
Church of St. John the Warrior (Russia)
Church of St. John the Warrior in Bolshaya Yakimanka street is a remarkable monument of church architecture of the beginning of 18th century, built in early Russian Baroque style
Church of the Archangel Michael (Russia)
The graceful five-domed Church of the Archangel Michael built in 1657 is interesting not only with its outward appearance, but also with frescoes painted by Fyodor Fyodorov's artel in 1731
Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye (Russia)
Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye village is a brilliant masterpiece of world architecture, a first stone steepled church in Russia, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Gonchary (Russia)
Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Gonchary is a charming small stone temple, erected in 1654 and wonderfully decorated with polychrome tiles in 1702
Church of the Epiphany (Russia)
Church of The Epiphany (1684-93) is known for its frescoes, polychrome tile facade decoration and six-tier gilded iconostasis in Ukrainian Baroque style
Church of the Holy Trinity (Russia)
Church of the Holy Trinity – the Family Tomb of Baron Alexander von Stieglitz (1814 – 1884) – the famous Russian philanthropist and financier
Church of the Intercession at Fili (Russia)
The most beautiful Church of the Intercession at Fili, erected in the end of 17th century in honour of the victory over the Polish army, is a true masterpiece of the early Moscow Baroque style
Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (Russia)
Church of the Intercession on the Nerli (1165) is a true gem of Vladimir-Suzdal architecture, one of the most beautiful Russian white stone temples
Church of the Saviour-over-the-Galleries (Russia)
Church of the Savior over the Galleries (1675) is one of the main structures of Rostov Kremlin's complex. Its unique interior is decorated wirh splendid frescoes by Yaroslavl icon-painters
Church of the St. Isidore the Blessed (Russia)
Church of the St. Isidore the Blessed (1566), one of the first stone buildings in Rostov, stands in the city's center and is surrounded by ancient earth ramparts, erected in 17 c.
Church of the Theotokos Joy of All Who Sorrow (Russia)
Church of Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in Ordynka street is one of the most beautiful churches in Zamoscvorechye district, a monument of Russian architecture
Church Spasa on the City (Russia)
Church of Our Savior in the City with its five mighty domes and two hip-roofs (1672) is one of the most imposing on the quay of Kotorosl. Inside are preserved frescoes painted in 1693
Danilov Monastery is the most ancient cloister on the Moskva River; at present time it is a residence of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and a venue for the Assembly of Hierarchs
Dimitrievsky Cathedral (Russia)
Dimitrievsky Cathedral in Spaso-Yakovlevsky monastery, a fine exemple of Russian provincial classicism, was built in 1794-1801 at the expense of earl Sheremetyev
Donskoy Monastery, one of the most beautiful and touristically interesting in Moscow, includes quite a number of remarkable monuments of Russian history, architecture and culture
Dormition Cathedral with partly preserved frescoes by Andrey Rublev is one of the best architectural monuments of Old Russia and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
The Dormition Cathedral, a monumental temple, built in 15th century by Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti, is the most sacred place of Russia, its former spiritual and political center
Epiphany Cathedral at Yelokhovo (Russia)
The Epiphany Cathedral at Yelokhovo, a remarkable in beauty and elegance temple in the late Empire style with slender four-tier bell-tower, is one of the most famous Moscow temples
Ferapontov Monastery, founded in 1327, is inscribed in UNESCO World Heritage List. There is Museum of Dionisius' Frescoes in Cathedral of Nativity of Virgin
Gethsemane (Yellow) skete was founded in 1901, when Father Mavriky brought here from Jerusalem a fraction of the Holy Sepulchre; the church of the Dormition of Virgin Mary
Goritsky Monastery of Resurrection (Russia)
Goritsky Convent of Resurrection (1544), picturesquely situated on the Sheksna shore, fascinates with its beauty and organic integration with surrounding landscape
One of the most interesting buildings of Alexandria Park is the Gothic Capella - home church of the imperial family, built in honor of Alexander Nevsky
Great Cathedral of the Theotokos of the Don (Russia)
Great Cathedral of Donskoy Monastery, built in the end of 17th century in hohour of the Theotokos of the Don, is noted for its unique architecture and beautiful painted iconostasis
Holy Protection Cathedral at the Martha and Mary Convent (Russia)
Holy Protection Cathedral at the Martha and Mary Convent was built in 1913 by architect Shchusev and painted by artists Korin and Nesterov; in 2006 it was returned to the Church
Holy Trinity Church in Nikitniki (Russia)
Holy Trinity Church in Nikitniki is an exceptionally picturesque church, constructed in the first half of 17th century, a wonderful specimen of the "Russian uzorochye" architectural style
Ivan the Great Bell Tower (Russia)
Ivan the Great Bell Tower is the everyday name for the Church and Bell Tower of Saint John Climacus; the tallest building in the Kremlin, a miracle of Russian architecture of 16th century
Iversky Monastery, build in the mid 17th century, is now fully restored and open for parishioners. Daily services
Kazan Cathedral, a monumental five-domed temple in the late classicism style, was built on the territory of Kazan Convent in 1835-1845 by the design of architect A. Melnicov
Kazanskaya church is an Orthodox Parish of Our Lady of Kazan Icon. It was built in 1915 by the architect Nicholas Nikonov in Moscow-Yaroslavl style of XVI century
Kazanskaya Church, the oldest in the city, is noted primarily for its well-preserved frescoes, painted by Yaroslavl icon-painters in the second half of 17 c.
Kazansky Cathedral, built in 1811 by Andrey Voronikhin is dedicated to Our Lady of Kazan, probably the most venerated icon in Russia
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (Russia)
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, founded in 1397, is celebrated for its monuments of white stone architecture, unique samples of wooden architecture and Museum of Icons
Lutheran church (Zelenogorsk) was built in 1908 by Finnish architect Josef Steinbeck in Northern Art Nouveau style. Heavily damaged during combat actions, now it is completely restored
Mikhail Archangel Church (Russia)
Michael the Archangel Church is very beautiful. It has never been rebuilt, and preserved the original look to recent days
Monastery of Saint Euthymius (Russia)
Magnificent architectural ensemble of Saint Euthymius Monastery (16-17 c.) is a part of Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Monastery Savatieva pustyn (Russia)
Monastery Savatieva pustyn is one of the most important ancient sacred places of Tver land; after many long years of oblivion it is being restored to life at present time
Impressively beautiful Nilov Monastery, a spiritual gem of Seliger land, today is fully restored and receives hundreds of thousands of pilgrims and tourists each year
Novodevichy Convent (Bogoroditse-Smolensky Monastery) was founded in 1524 by Grand Prince Vasili III in honour of the of the Smolensk icon of Our Lady, Virgin Hodegetria
Ostashkov's Trinity cathedral (Russia)
Erected in the end of 17th century, Ostashkov's Trinity cathedral with bell-tower was the firstling of stone architecture of this land and has long served as a model for local builders
Pokrovo-Tervenichi Monastery (Russia)
The main sacred things of Pokrovo-Tervenichi Monastery are the Icon of Our Lady, the Holy Source, and particles of the relics of many Saints
In Pokrovsky Convent there are several points of interest, including Pokrovsky cathedral, Holy Gates with overgate church, Frater Youse with Zachatievskaya church
Resurrection Cathedral (Russia)
One ohe main pride of the city, Resurrection Cathedral erected in 1678, can be compared in beauty and grandeur with the best masterpieces of Yaroslavl architecrure
Saint Basil`s Cathedral (Russia)
The most beautiful Saint Basil`s Cathedral, built by Barma and Postnik, is the masterpiece of Russian architecture of 16 cent., one of the symbols not only of Moscow, but also of all Russia
Saint Sophia Cathedral (Russia)
In Novgorod Saint Sophia Cathedral (XI century) the relics of Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich and miraculous icon «Sign of Our Lady» are kept
Sampsonievsky Cathedral (Russia)
Sampsonievsky Cathedral was erected in the beginning of XVIII century in honor of the victory of Russian troops under the Swedes on Poltava
Skete of All Saints (or White skete), the oldest and largest in the monastery, is situated on the second largest island in the Valaam archipelago - the Hermit Island
Skete of st. Alexander of the Svir (Russia)
Skete of st. Alexander of the Svir is situated on the Svyatoi (Holy) island, where in the end of 14th - beginning of 15th century, in the artificial rock cave, lived the aforenamed saint
Skete of st. Nicolas the Wonder-Worker (Russia)
The most beautiful church, snow-white monks' house, apple orchard and granite worship cross create inimitably elegant landscape and architectural ensemble of St. Nicolas skete
Skete of the Konevskaya icon of Our Lady (Russia)
Skete of the Konevskaya icon of Our Lady, with its modest wooden church, is located on the shore of Hegumen Lake, the largest of three quiet picturesque inland lakes
Skete of the Smolensk icon of Our Lady (Russia)
Skete of the Smolensk icon of Our Lady, founded on the southern extremity of the Skitsky Island in the beginning of 20th century, is known for its church in the Pskov architectural style
Spasa Nereditsa church (Russia)
Spasa Nereditsa church - Church of Our Savior in Novgorod is a unique architectural monument of XII century, fully restored in the mid-twentieth century
Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral (Russia)
Transfiguration Cathedral (1668-1670) is the five-domed temple, typical sample of russian church architecture of previous centure, known for its unique carved iconostasis
Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedral (Russia)
The grandiose Transfiguration Cathedral in late classicism style (1838) and tall many-tier bell-tower, erected earlier, are an expressive architectural dominant of city's historical center
Spaso-Prilutsky monastery (Russia)
Spaso-Prilutsky monastery, the largest and oldest in Russian North, is a most interesting ensemble, harmoniously combining in itself architectural monuments of different epochs
Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery (Russia)
Spaso-Yakoblevsky monastery on Nero Lake is the most beautiful in Rostov. Its exceptionally expressive architectural ensemble plays an important role in the city's appearance
St. Demetrius' Cathedral (Russia)
St. Demetrius Cathedral (the end of 12 c.) is notable for its noble forms and ideal proportions. Its walls are decorated with beautiful stone fretwork (more than 600 bas-reliefs)
St. Isaac’s Cathedral (Russia)
St. Isaac's Cathedral or Isaakievskiy Sobor is the largest in Saint Petersburg. The design belongs to the French-born architect Auguste de Montferrand (1786–1858)
St. John the Baptist Church (Russia)
John the Baptist Church, a grandiose 15-domed temple with slender many-tier belfry and graceful Holy Gates is a world famous monument of Russian church architecture of 17 c.
Temples in Varvarka Street (Russia)
Varvarka Street, one of the three most ancient Moscow streets, named after the Сhurch of Great Martyr Varvara, is celebrated for its many temples, built in 17-19 centuries
The Resurrection skete (Russia)
The Resurrection skete, located on the hill above Big Nikon bay, is the only one Valaam skete, inhabited not by monks, but by monastery guides, who meet and serve arriving pilgrims
The Savior (Spassky) Cathedral of the Andronikov Monastery (Russia)
The Savior Cathedral (Spassky cathedral) of the Andronikov Monastery, built in 15th cent., is the oldest monastery temple in Moscow, with partly preserved frescoes by Andrey Rublev
The Savior's Transfiguration Monastery (Russia)
The Savior's Transfiguration monastery, the oldest in the city, was founded in 12 c. Nowadays it is a heart of Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Musem-Reserve
Tikhvin Uspensky Monastery (Russia)
Tikhvin Uspensky Monastery is a place of pilgrimage - believers crave for touching the principal holy thing of the Monastery - Our Lady of Tikhvin miraculous icon
Tne white stone beauty of Tolgsky convent with its monumental Vvedensky Cathedral and relict cedar grove, standing on picturesque Volga shore, is the largest convent in country
Transfiguration Cathedral (Russia)
Transfiguration Cathedral (1668-1670) is the five-domed temple, typical sample of russian church architecture of previous centure, known for its unique carved iconostasis.
Transfiguration Church, Kizhi (Russia)
The main wonder of Kizhi is the world famous 22-domed Transfiguration Church, built in 1714 without a single nail; a unique monument of Russian wooden architecture
Trinity Church, an imposing redbrick building in so called pseudo-Byzantine style, constructed in 1913-16 by the design of architect and artist S. Zharov
Uspensky (Dormition) Cathedral, the main edifice of Rostov Kremlin's ensemble, is a monumental five-domed temple, fascinating with noble simplicity of its forms
Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior on the island of Valaam in Lake Ladoga is one of the most ancient cloisters in Russia, founded according the legend as far back as X cent.
Varnitsky Trinity Monastery (Russia)
Varnitsky Trinity monastery is presently restored to life ancient cloister, founded in 1427 at the birth-place of Saint Sergius of Radonezh. It
Verkhospassky Cathedral (Russia)
Verkhospassky Cathedral by Terem Palace is a complex of several family chapels, covered by one roof, adorned with eleven elegant domes with delicate openwork crosses
Voznesensky Orshin convent (Russia)
Voznesensky Orshin convent, located at the confluence of the Orsha river and Volga, is one of the most ancient in Tver land, a monument of federal importance
Vvedensky Nunnery was founded 15 years ago in the churchyard ground Volodimirets (X century). There is a hotel for pilgrims
Vysokopetrovsky Monastery (Russia)
Vysokopetrovsky Monastery is one of the most ancient monasteries in Moscow, an important religious-enlightening and educational center of Russian Orthodox Church
The White Trinity Church is the oldest stone structure in Tver, built in the time of Ivan the Terrible, a historical architectural monument; unique iconostasis, wall paintings of 18-19 c.
Zachatievsky Cathedral (Russia)
Zachatievsky (originally Troitsky) Cathedral, five-domed stone temple in "uzorochye" style, was built in 1686. Its frescoes, painted in 1689, are one of the the best among Rostov murals
Comprising two massive rock temples in southern Egypt on the western bank of Lake Nasser and being staggering large, Abu Simbel remains one of Egypt's top tourist attractions.
Hathor Temple of Dendera (Egypt)
Situated just outside the town of Qena, Dendera is a site of the remarkably well-preserved Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor known for its beautiful wall-reliefs and sculptures.
Dedicated to Horus, the falcon headed god, Temple of Horus at Idfy was built during the reigns of six Ptolemies. It is consided to be the best preserved ancient temple in Egypt.
Dedicated to sky god Haroeris and to the corcodile headed god Sobek, it is an unusual double temple. It was built during the dominion Ptolemaic dynasty in the Egyptian town of Kom Ombo.
St. Catherine Monastery (Egypt)
It has been one of the world’s great centers of religious pilgrimage for over fifteen centuries. Nowadays the monastery guards a large collection of Christian manuscripts and icons.
Salzburg Cathedral (1628) - the world famous temple, where there are the 4000-pipe organ, a statue of the Virgin Mary (1771) and the Romanesque font where Mozart was baptized in 1756
Taj Mahal mausoleum considered to be one of the 8 wonders of the world, and many art experts believe that no one will ever surpass it
Bibi-Khanym Mosque (Uzbekistan)
The name of Bibi-Khanym Mosque comes from the wife of 14th-century warlord, Timur. After his Indian campaign in 1399 Timur decided to undertake the construction of a gigantic mosque in his new capital, Samarkand
Chor-Bakr necropolis (Uzbekistan)
Chor-Bakr necropolis is a copy of a real town with courtyards, streets, green trees and lawns, mosques and familial burial vaults, but all these is for the dead. It was formed around the grave of Abu Bakr Sa'd
The construction of the Djuma Mosque is unconventional and unique - there are no domes, galleries, portals - only the roof, held by 213 carved columns
Gur-e Amir Mausoleum (Uzbekistan)
The earliest part of the Gur-e Amir Mausoleum was built at the end of 14th cent. It contains the tombs of Tamerlane, his sons Shah Rukh and Miran Shah and grandson Ulugh Beg and Muhammad Sultan
Imam Al Bukhari complex (Uzbekistan)
The Muslims equate a visit to the Memorial Complex of Imam Al-Bukhari with a small Hajj
Kalta Minar Minaret (Uzbekistan)
The bright blue décor of the Kalta Minar Minaret is unique for Central Asia. Is the only structure which surface is completely covered with colored glazed tiles
Kalyan Minaret is a symbol of sacred Bukhara. From here the Muslims were convened for prayer. It was erected entirely of burnt brick in 1127
Great Kalyan Mosque is the second largest in Central Asia after Bibi Khanym of Samarkand. It can simultaneously accommodate more than 10 000 of worshipers
Mir-i Arab Madrasah (Uzbekistan)
Mir-i Arab Madrasah, built in XVI century C. E., one of the most esteemed ecclesiastical Islamic schools, is still in force
Mukhammad Amin Khan Madrassah (Uzbekistan)
Mukhammad Amin Khan Madrassah was the largest medieval ecclesiastical school of Khiva. Now there is the tourist hotel “Khiva” in the building
Naqshbandi Mausoleum (Uzbekistan)
Naqshbandi Mausoleum was erected in 1544 in honor of Bakhouddin Naqshbandi - very respected Sheikh of Bukhara. Silence and solitude of this ensemble, its beautiful architectural forms, will force anyone to think about God
Shah-i-Zinda Ensemble (Uzbekistan)
The Shah-i-Zinda Ensemble includes mausoleums and other ritual buildings of 9-14th and 19th centuries. The legend says that Kusam ibn Abbas, the cousin of the prophet Muhammad was buried there
St. Panteleimon cathedral (Georgia)
St. Panteleimon (Saint Pantaleon) cathedral, the biggest in Abkhazia, was built in XIX century. Women allowed to visit the monastery should wear long skirts and be head covered
The Almudena Cathedral is rather young for Europe: it was completed only in 1930-s. The church attracts visitors with its modern-Gothic interior
Cathedral of Santa Eulalia (Spain)
The XIII-XIX Gothic Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia is especially notable for its roof with admirable stone gargoyles
Church of Colònia Güell (Spain)
Architect Antoni Gaudí managed to design buildings of irregular shapes using only chains& bags. The Church of Colònia Güell is one of his works.
Colegiata de Santa Maria (Spain)
The Colegiata de Santa Maria was constructed in the middle of XVI century in the Renaissance style. It is the main landmark of the village of Bolea.
It is the site of a Benedictine abbey, Santa Maria de Montserrat hosting the Virgin of Montserrat sanctuary and which is identified with the location of the Holy Grail in Arthurian myth.
Montserrat Royal Basilica (Spain)
The Montserrat Royal Basilica located at the foot of the eponymous mountain is famous for the carving of the Black Virgin, which dates back to XII c.
Originally designed by Antoni Gaudí it is a massive Roman Catholic Church under construction in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2026.
San Nicolas de los Servitas Church (Spain)
Construction of the tower of the San Nicolás de los Servitas Church dates back to XII century. It’s one of the most ancient buildings in Madrid
It took architects and workers a little more than a century (1402-1506) to build the Cathedral of Seville, the largest European Gothic church
Angkor Wat is a temple complex at Angkor built in the early 12th century. The temple is the epitome of the high classical style of Khmer architecture
Ta Prohm is one of the most famous temples of Angkor, absorbed by jungles, today appears almost as it was when it had been discovered by archaeologists in XIX century
Wat Phnom Pagoda was established in 1373 on the occasion of the rescue from the waters of the Mekong statues of Buddha. Mythical snakes and lions guard the entrance to the temple
Phnom Bakheng temple is one of the oldest temples of Angkor, built nearly 900 AD. An unforgettable view to the valley opens from the upper platform at the time of sunrise
Mausoleum of Arystan-bab (Kazakhstan)
Mausoleum of Arystan-bab was erected over the grave of the religious mystic of XII century. Mausoleum has been rebuilt in different centuries
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi (Kazakhstan)
Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, erected on the grave of the preacher, the Sufi poet and one of the first mystics of the Turkic world, is one of the main places of worship of Muslims in the region
Sacro Monte di Belmonte (Italy)
The Sacro Monte di Belmonte is located on the top of the hill near Valperga town. The XVIII century sanctuary is on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
The Sacro Monte di Crea is believed to stand on the place of the ancient sanctuary of the Virgin Mary, which was constructed about 1700 years ago
Sacro Monte di Domodossola (Italy)
The Sacro Monte Calvario di Domodossola construction lasted for almost 2 centuries (1656 - 1828 ) and now it combines multiple architectural styles
The Sacro Monte di Ghiffa was built in XVII century. From the top of the hill, where it stands, opens a scenic view on the Lake Maggiore
The Sacro Monte di Orta stands in a breathtakingly beautiful place: it faces the scenic Orta Lake and is surrounded by pristine woods
Sacro Monte di Ossuccio (Italy)
Fourteen Baroque chapels of the Sacro Monte di Ossuccio are surrounded by olive trees. This complex is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites
Sacro Monte di Varallo (Italy)
The Sacro Monte di Varallo is the oldest building of this kind in Italy. Its construction started in 1491 but some parts were built only in XIX c.
The Sacro Monte di Varese unlike other Italian Sacro Montes was designed by one person - Giuseppe Bernascone. Its construction started at 1604.
The Monastery of San Marco is a XV century Dominican convent designed by the architect Michelozzo and painted with frescoes by Fra Angelico.
The stalactitic Batu Caves are the most interesting natural sight of the country. They are famous as an ancient Hindu cave temple, one of the largest places of pilgrimage on the planet
Buddha in Gandan Monastery (Mongolia)
The twenty-ton statue of Buddha of the Gandan Monastery, Ulan Bator is a copy of the original sculpture, destroyed in 1938, during the antireligious campaign in Mongolia
Inside the shining gold 20-meter statue of young Buddha every day are officiated divine services. Classic pavilions with traditional ornaments and religious symbols are around
Erdene Zuu monastery (Mongolia)
Erdene Zuu is the oldest Buddhist monastery of Mongolia, the place of pilgrimage. Its construction was begun in 1586 on the place of Genghis Khan empire’s capital Karakorum
The Burana Tower - a minaret made of burned brick. It is one of the earliest and most prominent architectural constructions in Central Asia
Meteora is the unique monastic state among majestic rocky landscape - many monasteries on stone pillars. Four monasteries and two nunneries are open for visitors now
Church of Our Lady Victorious (Czech Republic)
Church of Our Lady Victorious was built in the early Baroque style by German Lutherans in 1611. In 1624 it passed to the Carmelite Order. Its present appearance the church acquired in 1640
Clock Tower of Loreta (Czech Republic)
Clock Tower of Loreta is one of the main attractions of Prague. The first time the Loreto bells rang on the 15 August 1695
St. Vitus Cathedral (Czech Republic)
Saint Vitus's Cathedral, located within Prague Castle, is a Roman Catholic cathedral and the seat of the Archbishop of Prague. It contains the tombs of many Bohemian kings. The cathedral is an outstanding example of Gothic architecture
Strahov Monastery (Czech Republic)
The Strahov Monastery, still valid, was founded by Vladislav II in 1143. It is home to Premonstratensian monks. Richly decorated library, which contains more than 125 thousand books attracts tourists
Rila Monastery is one of the greatest shrines of Bulgarian people. It is one of the oldest Orthodox monasteries, founded in the X century by monk Ivan Rilski (St. John of Rila)
St. John's Cathedral is the tallest building of La Valetta city. Every year at June 24th, the divine service in ancient Latin officiate here in presence of modern Maltese knights
The construction of the Dom Cathedral has began in 1211 and lasted for many centuries. The cathedral organ is one of the largest in the world
Echmiadzin Cathedral (Armenia)
Echmiadzin Cathedral, one of the most ancient monuments of Christianity, was built in IV century, after Christianity has became the state religion of Armenia
The pagan temple of Garni belongs to the Hellenistic era. It was built to honor the Sun God – Mitra. There are also remains of an ancient fortress, royal palace, baths
The monastery complex built in XII-XIII centuries and originally called the cave monastery, was later renamed into Geghard. All of the ancient buildings are open for visitors
Built in X century, the Haghpat Monastery includes: the Church of the Holy Virgin, the Church of the Holy Nshan,the ancient book depository and some other buildings
Khor Virap monastery (Armenia)
The Khor Virap monastery is of the same age with Christianity in Armenia. Being located at the foot of Biblical Mount Ararat it is the place of pilgrimage of believers
The significant religious and cultural center of medieval Armenia - Noravank monastery complex is the unique monument of architecture of XIII-XIV centuries
The Church of the Holy Virgin with the remarkable bas-relief above the entrance and the chapel have preserved in the Oganavank monastery complex(V century)
Saghmosavank Monastery (Armenia)
Saghmosavank Monastery or Monastery of Psalms was built in XII-XIII centuries by Vachutyan family. All buildings were restored after the earthquake of 1988 year
The Notre-Dame Basilica was built in the Neo-Gothic style in 1829. It is famous not only for its external splendor, but also for the unique interior decoration
The Koricancha, meaning "Golden Courtyard", was the most important and the most revered temple in the Inca Empire, dedicated primarily to Inti, the Sun God
The San Francisco Monastery (Peru)
San Francisco Monastery was built in 16-17 c. in Baroque style. Catacombs, which formerly served as cemetry; large collection of Spanish artists’ paintings; world famous library
The Shah Mosque of Esfahan is the embodiment of religious, political and economic life of Iran during the rule of Safavids. It is one of the everlasting masterpieces of Persian architecture
Mission San Francisco de Asís (United States)
Mission San Francisco de Asís or Mission Dolores, established in 1776, is among the oldest historical buildings of San Francisco
Mission San Xavier del Bac (United States)
Mission San Xavier del Bac, called also The White Dove of the Desert, is situated near Tucson and attracts everyone, who loves the XVIII century art.
Mission Santa Barbara (United States)
Mission Santa Barbara was established in 1786. It is popularly accepted as the most beautiful Mission in California – “The Queen of the Missions”
St. Patrick`s Cathedral (United States)
The biggest U. S. Catholic Temple - St. Patrick`s Cathedral, has ceased to be an architectural dominant of New York because of an abundance of skyscrapers
Washington National Cathedral (United States)
Visiting the century-old Washington National Cathedral is a must for those who are fond of magnificent architecture and solemn organ music
Weston Priory, community of Benedictine monks (United States)
If you are fond of religious music, you certainly should visit the Weston Priory community of Benedictine monks, who are known for their songs.
They call Sultan Ahmed Mosque - “the Blue Mosque” thanks to blue tiles decorating the interior. None of the Turkish mosques can be compared with it in refinement
The famous monastery hangs on the cliff, towering above the valley on 700 m. Almost totally Burned in 1998, the Paro Taktsang monastery now is restored and open for pilgrims
Trongsa Dzong (1648)- an ancestral home of the royal family. Annually (December - January), the principal holiday of the country - Trongsa Festival – takes place here
Riddarholmen Church, located on Riddarholmen island is the only one medieval monastery church preserved in Stockholm, for 700 years it served as a burial place of Swedish monarchs
St Peter's church, built in 1319 in the Hanseatic Gothic style after the model of the St. Mary's Church in Lübeck, is one of the Malmo's oldest sights
Tomb of King Gustav Vasa (Sweden)
In the famous Uppsala cathedral one can see the gilded sarcophagus of the great Swedish king Gustav Vasa, labelled the founder of modern Sweden and the "father of the nation"
Uppsala Cathedral, constructed in 13-14th centuries, is one of the oldest temples in the country and the highest in Scandinavia, a wonderful monument of Gothic architecture
Vreta Abbey, located in the municipality of Linköping in Östergötland, is one of the oldest nunneries in Scandinavia and first in Sweden, initially Benedictine and later Cistercian
The ancient Romanian Sucevita Monastery is famous for unique frescoes and a rich collection of medieval art
Temple of Dawn (Wat Arun) is a distinctive 88 meters single spike of white tangled mosaic with broken porcelain across the river from Wat Po on the dock.
Designed by Prince Narai it is one of the most beautiful temples and a major tourist attraction in Bangkok. Wat Benchamabophit is a Buddhist temple in the Dusit district of Bangkok.
The temple is located in the center of Bangkok district Phra Nakhon, within the territory of the Grand Palace. It is regarded as the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand.