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In Belgrade are concentrated the institutions of national importance: the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Library, the Royal Academy, the National Theater
Ice Sculpture, Fairbanks (United States)
Each year in the late winter Ice Sculpture festival takes place in the city of Fairbanks. Hundreds of giant ice statues are created here
Robert Cumpston`s metal sculptures (United States)
Robert Cumpston, a former farmer, has eventually found himself in art. His metal scrap animals are a rather popular attraction in Illinois
Sunspots Studios, glass blowing (United States)
Glass-shop in Staunton is the place, where visitors can become witnesses of the various and variegated glass products’ creation process.
Wood Carver, Stowe (United States)
Stowe Craft & Design is a gallery of contemporary art, including wood carvings, furniture, jewelry and much more. Most of items are available to buy
Cypriot cultural heritage is older than 9000 years. Customs and traditions are diverse. Almost every village has own special types of crafts - potter's craft, jewelry, woven lace
Faroes Islands, Culture (Denmark)
Because of their long isolation from Europe Faroes managed to maintain a great part of their unique traditional culture; they are best known for their folk music and national round dance
Stockholm Design House sets the tone for Swedish fashion and supports the artistic traditions of Scandinavia
Kosta Boda is the largest and most famous glassworks in Kosta, the main of eleven glassblower's villages in province of Smoland, which are known as as the "Kingdom of Crystal"
If you are interested in ancient Roma, you’d like the Viva Tarraco Festival dedicated to the Roman culture. The event takes place in Tarragona in May
Girona Flower Festival (Spain)
The Flower Festival or "Temps de Flors" takes place in Girona in the middle of May. On the festival week the whole city transforms into a garden!
The Ancient Iceland culture played the same role for German and Scandinavian nations as the Antique culture for Europeans
The distinguishing feature of Iranian culture is religiosity, which penetrates all aspects of Muslim life. Iranian art forms developed under the influence of religion
The rich cultural heritage of Jewish people in Israel is unparalleled. The most significant minority - the Arabs also left imprint in architecture, music and cuisine of the country
The culture of the Mongols has developed under the influence of art and culture of India, China and Tibet, as Mongolia lies at the crossroads of important trade routes
Panama could offer cultural programs for all tastes - from classical music and modern art to traditional Latin American Carnivals
The world famous Royal Ballet troupe preserves with utmost care the traditions of medieval Cambodia ballet, founded on national dances of Java, Thailand and India