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Apraksin-Trubetskoy Palace (Russia)
The Apraksin-Trubetskoy Palace - a rare for Moscow example of the luxuriant Elizabethan Baroque style, because of intricate "furniture" facade ironickly nicknamed "a dresser"
Iberian Gate and Chapel (Russia)
The Resurrection (Iberian) Gate between the building of the Moscow City Hall and the State Historical Museum, were built in 1535 by Petrok Maly and reconstructed in 1995 by O.Zhurin
Intricately decorated Igumnov House, resembling Russian terem, is considered to be a brightest example of pseudo-Russian style and the Zamoskvorechye's wonder of the world
Main building of Moscow State University (Russia)
The main building of Moscow State University, built in Stalin's Empire style, strikes with its monumental size and beauty; one of the main architectural symbols of Moscow
Old Building of Moscow State University (Russia)
The old Building of Moscow State University, erected in 1783 under the ptoject of architect Kazakov, is a fine monument of Russian classicism and a symbol of the Age of Enlightenment
Ostankino Television and Radio Tower, an architectural monument and a masterpiece of engineering thought, is the 5th tallest in the world free-standing structure (540m)
Sheremetyev Hospice was built by architects Nazarov and Quarenghi in 1797-1807 in mature Classicism style; today the Moscow Institute of Emergency First Aid occupies the building
Moscow World Trade Center is the largest in Russia business complex, consisting of three office buildings, Congress center, five-star hotel "Crowne Plaza", aparthotel "Mezhdunarodnaya"
Arch of Otrada Beach (Ukraine)
The Moresque arch, leading to Otrada Beach, was built in the beginning of 20th century by architect V. Shmidt; it is one of the interesting architectural landmarks in Odessa
Architecture of Khreshchatyk (Ukraine)
The famous Khreshchatyk - the main street of Kiev and the city's symbol - in the post-war years was rebuilt as a single architectural ensemble in the Stalin's Empire style
Building of the National Bank of Ukraine
Amazingly beautiful and elegant building of the National Bank of Ukraine was constructed in Northern-Italian Gothic and early Florentine Renaissance style in the beginning of 20th century
The Contracts House in the Contracts (Kontraktovaya) Square in Kiev is a historical trading house, one of the numerous monuments of Neoclassical architecture in the city
The Golden Gate, erected under the Grand Prince of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise, is one of the few preserved monuments of 12th century fortification architecture
Russian quarter - ensemble of Dormition Church, the Korniakt Tower, the Chapel of Three Saints, monuments of medieval architecture, residential buildings of the beginning of 20 ct.
Tarkhankut lighthouse (Ukraine)
Tarkhankut lighthouse, situated on the cape of the same name, the western extremity of the Crimean peninsula, is considered to be a unique historical monument of architecture
Verkhovna Rada building (Ukraine)
The world-Known Verkhovna Rada building, constructed in 1939 in Stalin's Empire style, is one of the best architectural monuments of the Soviet period in Kiev
The Casa de la Villa, a beautiful building in the historic centre of Madrid constructed in 1645- 1696, was used as a Town Hall until 2007
Casa Milà, the famous building bereft of straight lines and right angles, is the last work by Gaudi, a Modernism masterpiece and a most full realisation of concept of faithfulness to Nature
Madrid, architectonics (Spain)
Madrid’s architecture has never been among European trends. It just reflected preferences of the most powerful royal families: Hapsburgs, Bourbons etc
Segovia, architectonics (Spain)
Segovia is famous not only for a fantastic number of Romanesque churches, but also for the Alcázar Castle, depicted on the Walt Disney logo
Toledo, architectonics (Spain)
Most of Toledo’s sites of interest are churches and castles built between 13 and 16 centuries. The prevailing styles are Baroque and Gothic
Triumphal arch (Arc de Trionf) (Spain)
The Triumphal arch (Arc de Trionf), built for the 1888 World's Fair as its main access gate by architect Josep Vilaseca, is an interesting example of neo-Moresque style
Charles Bridge (Czech Republic)
600 years old Charles Bridge is the oldest and the most beautiful of pedestrian bridges in Europe. Since its inception it was the center of city life. There was a lay of the royal road; fairs and horse tournaments were organized there
Municipal house (Czech Republic)
The building of the Municipal House (1912) is a brilliant example of Art Nouveau style in architecture of Prague
CN Tower - attractive place for tourists. Lifts take visitors up to the review site and the rotating restaurant in just one minute
The Olympic Stadium was built in 1976 for the XXI Summer Olympic Games. Its inclined tower (175 meters) is the tallest tilt building in the world
Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris - its observation deck offers an unforgettable view of the French capital. There are two ways to rich the upper observation deck (274 m): by elevator or by stairs (about 1 800 steps)
Empire State Building (United States)
The Empire State Building is the tallest building in New York. Tower’s observation decks, giving 360-degree views of the city are the most visited tourist sites in the world
James R. Thompson Center (United States)
Visit to James R. Thompson Center gives an opportunity to get acquainted with American architecture in miniature
Jefferson Memorial (United States)
The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is popular among the lovers of classical architectural style as well as among the followers of Jefferson’s ideas.
John Hancock Center (United States)
John Hancock Center - Big John - a 88-storey skyscraper, with offices, garages, apartments, shops, restaurants and observation deck on the roof
Rockefeller Center (United States)
Rockefeller Center is a grandiose office complex, in which headquarters of the world's largest corporations are located
Trump Tower, a 58-storey skyscraper, designed by Donald Trump, was built in 1983. It is located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 56th Street. There are apartments, offices and the hotel inside
United Nations Headquarters (United States)
The skyscraper on the East River - the United Nations Headquarters is under reconstruction now. It supposed to be open again by the end of 2013
The Capitol is a symbol of the power of the country and one of the most impressive buildings not only in Washington D.C., but also in the whole U.S.
Water Tower Place (United States)
Water Tower Place, a 74-storey skyscraper (262 m), located on North Michigan Avenue, was built in 1976 in Art Nouveau style. Now there are accommodation facilities and a hotel
Isfahan is famous for the majestic city bridges, which are not combined with the hot Iranian desert at the outskirts of the city
Skanskaskrapan (The Lipstick) (Sweden)
The highest in the city office building, built on the lines of constructivism architecture and painted in red and white, was nicknamed "the lipstick" by Gothenburg citizens
Stockholm, architecture (Sweden)
Stockholm architecture ranges from wooden houses and Baroque palaces to ultra-modern constructions of glass, concrete and metal