Yaroslavskaya Oblast'Yaroslavskaya Oblast is rich in monuments of ancient architecture. For tourist's service there are 130 travel companies, more than 40 hotels, an extensive network of cafes and restaurants |
BorisoglebskyThe main and practically only one point of interest in the tiny town of Borisoglebsky is the majestic architectural ensemble of Borisoglebsky monastery |
MyshkinMyshkin, museum-town of Russian province, preserving its charming atmosphere. Old merchant's houses, picturesque manors; Mouse Museum, Flax Museum, Museum of Valenok |
RostovArchitectural and historical monuments of Rostov the Great, one of the oldest cities of the Golden Ring, are the invaluable heritage not only of Russian, but also of world culture |
RybinskRybinsk - the former "city of barge-haulers" and "granary of Russia" - preserves a unique atmosphere of old merchant city due to charming eclecticism of its architecture |
St. John the Baptist ChurchJohn the Baptist Church, a grandiose 15-domed temple with slender many-tier belfry and graceful Holy Gates is a world famous monument of Russian church architecture of 17 c. |
TutayevPictorial ancient town of Tutayev, the so-called "Volga River gem", has preserved its unique historical appearance and is considered one of the most beautiful Volga cities |
UglichUglich, beautiful ancient town, standing among thick woods on the shore of mighty Volga, is celebrated for its numerous wonderful monuments of church and civil architecture |
VelikoeThe main adornments of Velikoe village are the architectural ensemble of Church of Nativity of Our Lady and Lokalov's mansion, stylized as Russian terem (tower-chamber) |
Annunciation ChurchAnnunciation Church (1688), a redbrick five-domed temple with three-tier belfry, is a true adornment of Volga Quay. There are well-preserved frescoes by Fyodor Ignatyev's artel (1709) |
Christmas ChurchChristmas Church with separate standing overgate hip-roof bell-tower of unique architecture is a most interesting monument of Yaroslavl architecture of 17 c. |
Church ensemble in KorovnikiThe most beautiful church ensemble in Korovniki consists of St. John Chrysostom Church, Church of Our Lady of Vladimir, Holy Gates and tall bell-tower known as "Yaroslavl candle" |
Church of Elijah the ProphetMajestic Church of Elijah the Prophet with hip-roof side-chapel and bell-tower is one of the most expressive and harmonious architectural ensembles of 17 c. and the symbol of Yaroslavl |
Church of Nikola NadeinChurch of Nicola Nadein (1620-22) was the first stone temple in Yaroslavsky Posad. It has frescoes by Lyubim Ageev's artel and magnificent gilded Baroque iconostasis |
Church of the Archangel MichaelThe graceful five-domed Church of the Archangel Michael built in 1657 is interesting not only with its outward appearance, but also with frescoes painted by Fyodor Fyodorov's artel in 1731 |
Church of the EpiphanyChurch of The Epiphany (1684-93) is known for its frescoes, polychrome tile facade decoration and six-tier gilded iconostasis in Ukrainian Baroque style |
Church Spasa on the CityChurch of Our Savior in the City with its five mighty domes and two hip-roofs (1672) is one of the most imposing on the quay of Kotorosl. Inside are preserved frescoes painted in 1693 |
Karabikha, Nikolay Nekrasov villageNekrasov Literary Museum-Reserve in Karabikha village is the only one in the oblast country manor, which hasn't lost its original architectural appearance |
Kazan CathedralKazan Cathedral, a monumental five-domed temple in the late classicism style, was built on the territory of Kazan Convent in 1835-1845 by the design of architect A. Melnicov |
The Savior's Transfiguration MonasteryThe Savior's Transfiguration monastery, the oldest in the city, was founded in 12 c. Nowadays it is a heart of Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Musem-Reserve |
Tolgsky MonasteryTne white stone beauty of Tolgsky convent with its monumental Vvedensky Cathedral and relict cedar grove, standing on picturesque Volga shore, is the largest convent in country |
Volga QuayVolga Quay is a true gem of the city. Numerous monuments of civil and church architecture of 17-20 c.; famous white stone rotunda pavilion, one of the Yaroslavl's symbols |
Volkov squareThe composition of Volkov square is organized by imposing building of theatre in Empre style, Vlasievskaya Tower with Znamenskaya Church (17 c.) and hotel "Yaroslavl" (1940) |