Detailed interactive map Belarus, hunting

Hunting forestry of Belarus - is amazing in its beauty, unique, having no analogues in Europe territory. “Pripyatski National Park Reserve "," Berezinsky Nature Reserve" are ideal places for habitat of numerous animals and birds"; “Belavezhskaya Pushcha” is the unique for Europe primaeval forest. Hunting tours in Belarus are conducted in all seasons. Here one can hunt for game birds and waterfowl (heath-cock, wood-grouse, duck, snipe, woodcock, hazel-grouse), fur-bearing animals (fox, wolf, hare) and ungulate animals (elk, red deer, roe deer, wild boar, bison).
Belarus is famous for hunting areas already since the Middle Ages. Grand Dukes of Lithuania, kings of Poland, and later Russia's emperors staged lavish hunting in the “Belavezhskaya Pushcha”, where felling was prohibited and bison shooting was restricted since ancient times. Glory of hunting in this one of the oldest European reserves resounded throughout Europe. Today hunting in Belarus still attracts hunters from all over the world.
Belarus has created all conditions for those who can not imagine their lives without hunting or fishing. Hunting reserves of the country occupy nearly 20 million hectares. Here one can hunt for two dozen spices of animals and three dozen spices of birds. Hunting to suet every taste is available here: trophy, collective, from an ambush, from a corral, on waterfowl and wetland game.
High effective and entertaining hunting is provided by highly skilled huntsmen and modern engineering infrastructure of forestry, including fixed and temporary towers for trophy hunting. Organization of sports, amateur and underwater fishing is also possible in hunting forestry of Belarus of Belarus.