Almaty city

 • Kazakhstan

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Almaty is an administrative, scientific and cultural center. It has a university, 16 institutes, theaters, museums, concert and exhibition halls

[Google Translate:] Almaty - the largest city in Kazakhstan. Population - 1.2 million people. It is located in the south, on the northern slope of the Tien Shan mountains at an altitude of 700 - 900 m above sea level. It covers a semicircle of mountains, which is open only to the north, to the valley of the Ili River. The city was founded in 1854 as a military fortification Russian named Faithful. In 1855, consolidation was transformed into the city faithful. The new town was built near the ruins of the ancient settlement of Almaty ("Apple"). In 1921 he was given the name of Alma-Ata. From 1929 to 1997 Alma-Ata - the capital of Kazakhstan. In 1993 the name of the city was returned to the original transcription - Almaty. The city today remains the chief administrative, scientific and cultural center. There are numerous businesses in this light, food and engineering industries. Almaty has a university, 16 institutes, technical schools, theaters, museums, concert and exhibition halls, libraries. Modern residential ensembles are buried in the greenery of gardens and parks. In the center stands a wooden cathedral Orthodox Cathedral, built in 1907, without a single iron nail, and with earthquake-design. Now a museum. New architectural organically combined with the Kazakh traditions. Near Almaty in the mountains built the world's largest sports complex "Meteo", where the alpine skating rink. (See map of Almaty)

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map: Almaty

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