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This week in focus: Lahti as a part of World Design Capital Helsinki 2012
As a part of World Design Capital Helsinki 2012, Lahti offers a great array of events connected to design and related phenomena and also puts local designers in the spotlight.
Explore all projects in Lahti here and the city’s home page here.
Lahti: Feeling for Wood
The international elite of wood architecture meets Finnish wood and design in Lahti’s Sibelius Hall, 5–7 September. The Feeling for Wood conference will feature top professionals of architecture and design, who will discuss the importance of wood in their own work. The meaning of forest and feeling for wood in design are discussed in Carpenter\'s Hall in the mornings. In the afternoons, the discussion addresses the influences that landscapes and forests have had in wood architecture. Feeling for wood is a concept that all the speakers at the conference share. Wood and nature are the cornerstones and inspiration for design for all of them.
Speakers at the conference include the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, recipient of the Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award, whose work is characterised by the sophisticated use of wood and a thorough understanding of the qualities that wood has as a building material. In the first week of September, Lahti will also welcome the sculptor and architect José Cruz Ovalle from Chile and the Austrian architect Hermann Kauffmann, who continues the work of previous generations by using wood as a beautiful and sustainable building material.
The prize-giving ceremonies of the international Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award and the Asko Avonius Design Award will be organised at the concerts of the Sibelius Week, arranged during the event week.
Lahti Design – functional design exists for everyday life
The best picks of everyday design from the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 are showcased in the Sibelius Hall in Lahti in July.
The Design Foundation of Finland has put together the Lahti Design exhibition together with ten local companies from the Päijät-Häme region. Lahti’s industrial productions are well represented in the exhibition – from the exhibition structures to the rye bread offered for visitors. The Forest Hall in the Sibelius Hall offers a great opportunity to see the works of future designers, the students of the Institute of Design and Fine Arts of the Lahti University of Applied Sciences.
The summer exhibition at the Carpenter’s Workshop in the Sibelius Hall showcases the sculpture of the Lanu Sculpture Park, as captured by photographer Juha Tanhua. The exhibitions are open from 29 June to 27 July, Monday to Friday 10 am–4 pm in Sibelius Hall, Ankkurikatu 7, Lahti. Free entry.
Lahti Muotohuoltamo Centre
The Juuret (Roots) exhibition traces back the importance of Karelian heritage as an inspiration in modern Finnish design. Traditional materials, processing techniques, decorative motifs and using methods all inspire designers. Ten fashion designers have created unique clothes from a striped, woollen dress fabric, inspired by the regional folk costume from Vyborg, and also known as the ‘Dress of the Round Tower\'. The Juuret exhibition will be open at Muotohuoltamo Centre in July.
The Lahti Muotohuoltamo Centre is the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012’s meeting place highlighting design from Lahti, Finland and internationally alike. The Muotohuoltamo Centre also offers everyone a chance to learn about and become involved in the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 activities.
The Lahti Muotohuoltamo Centre, Vesijärvenkatu 7, is open from Tuesday to Friday, 2–6 pm, and on Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm.
Local citizens take active part in the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 projects in Lahti
The programme of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 year in Lahti includes projects in design education and training, urban development and industrial design. As a part of the Urbaani Ratas project of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 programme, cyclists become urban designers. Bicycle shelters, manufactured from wood, are created in the project in addition to a new cycling route. People from Lahti have been actively involved in their design at the Lahen D product development panel.
An idea contest is organised in cooperation with The Finnish Innovation Fund for the area near the railroad tracks in the city centre of Lahti, testing the interactive ways of getting local people involved in designing their own living environment.
The purpose of the international contest is to find new ideas for the renovation work for the areas around the railway tracks in Lahti’s city centre. The contest seeks top quality urban development ideas that take into account the functional development possibilities of the future. Lahti’s new Travel Centre, meeting of the various forms of transport and an ecological traffic environment are all central factors in the contest.
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