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NewsMoscowRussia • 2016-04-10

Select the country and object's type Риск-менеджмент – это принятие взвешенных управленческих решений

4-5 апреля 2016 г. в здании Правительства Москвы на Новом Арбате 36, состоялся крупнейший в истории страны форум «Новые горизонты корпоративного управления рисками». Мероприятие проводилось под эгидой Института Стратегического Анализа Рисков Управленческих Решений (ISAR), Межрегиональной общественной организации «Московская ассоциация предпринимателей», Ассоциации «Ноосеть» и интернет-портала и при спонсорской поддержке таких компаний как Deloitte, Sealine Insurance Brokers и Palisade, одного из лидеров рынка по количественной оценке рисков.

В Форуме приняли участие более 300 риск-менеджеров и специалистов из смежных областей, в том числе всемирно-известные эксперты из Австралии, Германии, Швейцарии, Великобритании, Франции, Голландии, США, Бельгии, Бразилии, Испании, России, Белоруссии и Казахстана, которые выступили с докладами, посвященными интеграции анализа рисков в процессы принятия решений и организационные процессы и формированию риск-ориентированного мышления в организациях.

С приветственным словом к участникам и гостям мероприятия выступил Член Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания РФ Эдуард Владимирович Исаков, который подчеркнул важность данного Форума в плане содействия формированию государственной политики в области риск-ориентированного принятия решений и созданию в России современной и всеобъемлющей нормативно-правовой базы в области управления рисками. Он и задал деловой тон Форуму, обозначив сильные и слабые стороны современных подходов к управлению рисками и необходимость налаживания постоянного и открытого диалога между бизнесом и государством по поводу идентификации потенциальных угроз экономике и совместными согласованными действиями по управлению рисками.

Андрей Евгеньевич Поденок – президент Межрегиональной общественной организации «Московская ассоциация предпринимателей» в своем приветствии отметил, что данный Форум призван поднять проблему риск-менеджмента на более высокий уровень, внедряя риск-ориентированное мышление во все слои российского бизнеса и предпринимательства, как одно из стратегических направлений в принятии управленческих решений.

Кевин Найт прибыл на Форум из Австралии, известный международный эксперт по управлению рисками и текущий председатель технического комитета ISO TC 262, в данный момент работающего над актуализацией самого распространенного в мире стандарта по управлению рисками ISO 31000:2009. На данный момент стандарт переведен и утвержден в более чем 57 странах мира.

Также с вступительным словом выступил Михаил Рогов, один из самых титулованных риск менеджеров страны. Михаил говорил на тему готовности современных организаций к новой промышленной революции в области управления рисками.

Всего за два дня форума выступили с докладами и приняли участие в круглых столах 13 международных экспертов и 22 российских эксперта из таких организаций как Высшая Школа Экономики, Высшая школа финансов и менеджмента РАНХиГС, РОСНАНО, Газпром, ENEL Russia, Росатом, Фортум, Мегафон, CAEPCO, Deloitte, SEALINE, АСИ, RiskGap, PALISADE, CFOs Territory, Тэктис и др. А также международные эксперты: Kevin W. Knight (Австралия), Alex Dali, president G31000 (Бельгия), Dr. Frank Herdman (Германия), Angel Escorial (Испания), Andy Cox (UK), Alberto Bastos (Бразилия), Julia Graham (UK), Jean-Paul Louisot (Франция), Erike Young (США), Vincent Tophoff (Голландия) и Manoj Kulwal (UK). Международные коллеги поделились уникальным опытом внедрения элементов управления рисками в разных странах и призвали российских риск менеджеров активнее участвовать в работе над актуализацией стандарта ISO31000:2009.

Ключевые темы, которые были затронуты в ходе форума включали: развитие культуры управления рисками, количественная оценка в процессе принятия решений, интеграция анализа рисков в бизнес процессы, кибер риски и риски мошенничества и автоматизация управления рисками. Самым запоминающимся на форуме стал откровенный круглый стол с членами Советов директоров, комитетов по аудиту и руководителями высшего звена на тему того, что реально ожидает бизнес от управления рисками во время кризиса, какие компетенции важны и востребованы и как риск менеджерам наладить диалог с бизнес подразделениями.

В ходе форума на торжественной церемонии Alex Dali, президент международного сообщества риск менеджеров G31000 торжественно вручил сертификаты российским специалистам, которые успешно прошли сертификацию осенью и весной 2015-2016гг. Помимо торжественной церемонии, благодаря спонсорам и информационным партнерам, в ходе форума были разыграны 35 бесплатных лицензий Palisade Decision Tools, четыре сертификата на дистанционные курсы по обучению eNano, несколько учебников и дистанционных курсов по подготовке к сертификации G31000.

Все материалы форума, включая презентации, видео записи докладов, а также эксклюзивные интервью с российскими и международными экспертами вскоре будут доступны на сайте форума и в социальных сетях. Всю информацию о форуме легко найти с помощью хештэга #corpriskforum2016

Форум прошел в теплой дружественной атмосфере, риск-менеджеры живо обсуждали темы, доклады и мастер-классы, делились мнениями по актуальным вопросам культуры управления рисками в России и СНГ. По окончании всем участникам были выданы Сертификаты об участии в Форуме.

Лидия Николаева, обозреватель.

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World Countries Russia

Visit Russia, and make your own opinion about this mysterious country of turbulent history and rich, multifaceted culture


Dities districts Kuskovo

Magnificent estate ensemble of Kuskovo - is a true gem of 18th-century Russian architecture, a unique historic-cultural monument, one of the most popular museums in Moscow


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Moscow Kremlin

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Kremlin is a greatest masterpiece of Russian architecture, standing out among many world architectural monuments for integrity, completeness and striking beauty of its ensemble

Alexander Garden

Parks and gardens Alexander Garden

Among historical objects, located in Alexander Garden, are Kutafya Tower of the Kremlin, obelisk commemorating the Romanov tercentenary and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Alexandrinsky Palace, Neskuchny garden

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All-Russia Exhibition Centre

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All-Russia Exhibition Centre is the famous monument of the Soviet epoch; the Stone Flower and the Friendship of Nations fountains, gigantic sculpture "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman"

Apraksin-Trubetskoy Palace

Architecture: buildings, structures Apraksin-Trubetskoy Palace

The Apraksin-Trubetskoy Palace - a rare for Moscow example of the luxuriant Elizabethan Baroque style, because of intricate "furniture" facade ironickly nicknamed "a dresser"

Arbat Street

Streets Arbat Street

The Arbat is the most famous of Moscow streets, immortalised in poems, prose, songs and films, a symbol of old Moscow; at present time it is a pedestrian zone with brisk street trade

Arseny Morozov Mansion

Museums, historical monuments Arseny Morozov Mansion

Arseny Morozov Mansion (widely known as "Moorish House"), built in the end of 17th century, is a unique for Moscow architecture example of exotic neo-Moresque stylization

Averky Kirillov Chambers

Museums, historical monuments Averky Kirillov Chambers

Averky Kirillov Chambers is an outstanding monument of Russian architecture of 17th century; the only one large Old-Moscow manor, still preserving its original appearance

Belorussky Rail Terminal

Transport: airports, railway stations, seaports Belorussky Rail Terminal

Belorussky Rail Terminal, first opened in 1870 and in 1909 resonstructed by architect I. Strukov, is closely connected with the historic and cultural life of Russia and its capital

Bolshoi Theatre

Music and Drama theatres Bolshoi Theatre

Founded as far back as 1776, Bolshoi Theatre to this day remains a leading theatre in the country and is considered to be a cultural Mecca and one of the main symbols of Moscow

Bratsevo Estate

Palaces Bratsevo Estate

Bratsevo Estate, located on a scenic hill above the Skhodnya river, is a wonderful monument of landscape architecture, one of the most ancient and most beautiful Moscow estates

Bunker-42 on Taganka

Museums, historical monuments  
Bunker-42 on Taganka

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, erected in 1990-ies, is similar in appearance to the temple in the Russian-Byzantine style, built in 19th century by architect Thon and demolished in 1931

Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk, Novodevichy Convent

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk, Novodevichy Convent

The monumental Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk in Novodevichy Convent was built after the model of Dormition Cathedral in Kremlin; well-preserved frescoes of 16th century

Catherine Palace

Palaces Catherine Palace

The Catherine Palace (the Golovine Palace) is a magnificent mansion, which served as an official royal residence during 18th century; an outstanding example of Russian Classicism

Central Moscow Hippodrome

Events, Shows, amusement Central Moscow Hippodrome

Central Moscow Hippodrome, founded in 1834, is one of the largest in Russia and the oldest in Europe; year-round horseracing, tournaments for the largest prizes in the country

Church of St. John the Warrior

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Church of St. John the Warrior

Church of St. John the Warrior in Bolshaya Yakimanka street is a remarkable monument of church architecture of the beginning of 18th century, built in early Russian Baroque style

Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye village is a brilliant masterpiece of world architecture, a first stone steepled church in Russia, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Gonchary

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Gonchary

Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Gonchary is a charming small stone temple, erected in 1654 and wonderfully decorated with polychrome tiles in 1702

Church of the Intercession at Fili

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Church of the Intercession at Fili

The most beautiful Church of the Intercession at Fili, erected in the end of 17th century in honour of the victory over the Polish army, is a true masterpiece of the early Moscow Baroque style

Church of the Theotokos Joy of All Who Sorrow

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Church of the Theotokos Joy of All Who Sorrow

Church of Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in Ordynka street is one of the most beautiful churches in Zamoscvorechye district, a monument of Russian architecture

City estate of Dolgoruky-Bobrinsky

Museums, historical monuments City estate of Dolgoruky-Bobrinsky

City estate of Dolgoruky-Bobrinsky, built in the end of 18th century, is one of the most integral Moscow architectural ensembles in the pure Classicism style

City Estate of Usachevs-Naidenovs

Museums, historical monuments City Estate of Usachevs-Naidenovs

The ensemble of Usachevs-Naidenovs city estate, created in 1829-1831 under the project of architect Zhilardi, is an excellent example of the mature classicism architectural style

Danilov Monastery

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Danilov Monastery

Danilov Monastery is the most ancient cloister on the Moskva River; at present time it is a residence of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and a venue for the Assembly of Hierarchs

Demidov palace

Demidov palace

Donskoy Monastery

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Donskoy Monastery

Donskoy Monastery, one of the most beautiful and touristically interesting in Moscow, includes quite a number of remarkable monuments of Russian history, architecture and culture

Epiphany Cathedral at Yelokhovo

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Epiphany Cathedral at Yelokhovo

The Epiphany Cathedral at Yelokhovo, a remarkable in beauty and elegance temple in the late Empire style with slender four-tier bell-tower, is one of the most famous Moscow temples

Fire lookout tower, Sokolniki

Museums, historical monuments Fire lookout tower, Sokolniki

The elegant building of Sokolniki Fire and Police Department with slender lookout tower, built in the end of 19th century is one of the best examples of pseudo-Gothic style in Moscow

Gogol House-Museum

Museums, historical monuments Gogol House-Museum

Gogol House-Museum is located in the Tolstoys mansion in the Nikitsky Boulevard, where the great Russian writer spent last four years of his life and where he died

Great Cathedral of the Theotokos of the Don

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Great Cathedral of the Theotokos of the Don

Great Cathedral of Donskoy Monastery, built in the end of 17th century in hohour of the Theotokos of the Don, is noted for its unique architecture and beautiful painted iconostasis

GUM - Main Department Store

Shopping: shops, markets GUM - Main Department Store

GUM, or the Main Department Store, is one of the largest in Europe shopping centers; a fine architectural monument of pseudo-Russian style, forming a part of Red square ensemble

Holy Protection Cathedral at the Martha and Mary Convent

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Holy Protection Cathedral at the Martha and Mary Convent

Holy Protection Cathedral at the Martha and Mary Convent was built in 1913 by architect Shchusev and painted by artists Korin and Nesterov; in 2006 it was returned to the Church

Holy Trinity Church in Nikitniki

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Holy Trinity Church in Nikitniki

Holy Trinity Church in Nikitniki is an exceptionally picturesque church, constructed in the first half of 17th century, a wonderful specimen of the "Russian uzorochye" architectural style

Hotel Savoy

Hotels Hotel Savoy

Hotel Savoy, opened in 1913, is one of the oldest elite hotels in Moscow, an embodiment of beaury, elegance, luxury and comfort, that satisfies the most demanding tastes

House of Muravyov-Apostol

Museums, historical monuments House of Muravyov-Apostol

Muravyov-Apostol mansion is a two-storey wooden house in Moscow Classicism style, one of the few wooden structures in the city, miraculously spared by the destructive fire of 1812

Iberian Gate and Chapel

Architecture: buildings, structures Iberian Gate and Chapel

The Resurrection (Iberian) Gate between the building of the Moscow City Hall and the State Historical Museum, were built in 1535 by Petrok Maly and reconstructed in 1995 by O.Zhurin

Igumnov House

Architecture: buildings, structures Igumnov House

Intricately decorated Igumnov House, resembling Russian terem, is considered to be a brightest example of pseudo-Russian style and the Zamoskvorechye's wonder of the world

International Center of the Roerichs

Museums, historical monuments International Center of the Roerichs

International Center of the Roerichs is the largest scientific-educational center, engaged in the popularization and research of artistic and philosophical heritage of the family

Izmaylovo Estate

Museums, historical monuments Izmaylovo Estate

Izmaylovo Estate, a royal country residence, is a superb palace and park ensemble of 17th century, situated on the Izmaylov Island, surrounded by the Silver and the Vine ponds

Kazansky Rail Terminal

Transport: airports, railway stations, seaports Kazansky Rail Terminal

Kazansky railway station, built under the project of famous architect Shchusev, is not only an utilitarian building, but also a true architectural adornment of the capital

Kreml tours

Tours, excursions, cruises  
Kreml tours

Krutitsy Metochion

Museums, historical monuments Krutitsy Metochion

Krutitsy Metochion is an impressive palace ensemble with two churches and unique tiled Teremok, an architectural monument of 17th century, a branch of the State Historical Museum

Krylatskoye Sports Complex

Popular tourist places Krylatskoye Sports Complex

The main facilities of Krylatskoye Sports Complex are rowing canal, indoor and outdoor cycle tracks, the largest in Europe Ice Palace, covered swimming-pool and many others

Lenin's Mausoleum

Popular tourist places Lenin's Mausoleum

Lenin's Tomb, the compositional center of the Red Square, is the monumental mausoleum, where in Funeral Hall is kept the crystal sarcophagus with Vladimir Lenin's embalmed body

Main building of Moscow State University

Architecture: buildings, structures Main building of Moscow State University

The main building of Moscow State University, built in Stalin's Empire style, strikes with its monumental size and beauty; one of the main architectural symbols of Moscow

Manezhnaya Square

Town squares Manezhnaya Square

Manezhnaya Square, located near the Kremlin and Alexander Garden and separated by Resurrection Gate from the Red Square, is the most famous square in Moscow after the latter

Manor of Batashev

Museums, historical monuments Manor of Batashev

The monumental ensemble of Batashev's manor, consisting of main building with two wings, several outhouses, church and garden, is an outstanding monument of the Classicism epoch

Memorial Museum of Astronautics

Museums, historical monuments Memorial Museum of Astronautics

The Memorial Museum of Astronautics, located in the base of the grandiose Space Explorers Monument, presents a large exposition, acquainting with the history of space exploration

Moscow Metro

Transport: airports, railway stations, seaports Moscow Metro

Moscow Metro, one of the most beautiful metros in the world, is famous for rich decoration of its stations in the Socialist realism style; 44 stations of 182 are listed as cultural heritage

Moskva River

Rivers, channels  
Moskva River

Museum of Russian harmonic of A.Mirek

Museums, historical monuments Museum of Russian harmonic of A.Mirek

In the Museum of Russian harmonic of A.Mirek, dedicated to history of the most popular instrument in Russia, is presented all variety of harmonics from 18th century to our days

Museum of Spaso-Andronikov Monastery

Museums, historical monuments Museum of Spaso-Andronikov Monastery

Today in the precincts of Spaso-Andronikov Monastery is located the Central Museum of Old Russian culture and art, named after the great icon painter Andrey Rublev

Museum of Urban Passenger Transport

Museums, historical monuments Museum of Urban Passenger Transport

Moscow Museum of Urban Passenger Transport possesses a large collection of historical buses,trolleybuses, trams and utility transport vehicles of different model years

Museum of Water

Museums, historical monuments Museum of Water

Museum of Water housed in the former pumping station in Krutitsy acquaints with history of Moscow water supply and sewerage systems from ancient times to our days

Museum of Wooden Architecture, Kolomenskoye

Museums, historical monuments Museum of Wooden Architecture, Kolomenskoye

In the museum under the open sky in Kolomenskoye one can find authentic monuments of wooden architecture of 17th-18th centuries, transported here from different regions of Russia

Museum-Panorama «Borodino Battle»

Museums, historical monuments Museum-Panorama «Borodino Battle»

Museum-Panorama «Borodino Battle» is entirely dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1812; the panorama is the brilliant example of battle-scene painting of the beginning of 20th cent.

Natalya Sats Musical Theater

Music and Drama theatres Natalya Sats Musical Theater

Natalya Sats Musical Theater is the only one in the wolrd professional musical theatre, where opera,symphony and ballet are adapted for a juvenile audience

Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery

Popular tourist places Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery

Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, which has formed in 16th-17th centuries, has no equal in historical and artistic value of its mortuary monuments

North River Terminal

Transport: airports, railway stations, seaports North River Terminal

The building of North River Terminal, resembling a colossal double-deck steam-ship of granite and marble, is one of the city's symbols and an interesting architectural monument

Novodevichy Convent

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent (Bogoroditse-Smolensky Monastery) was founded in 1524 by Grand Prince Vasili III in honour of the of the Smolensk icon of Our Lady, Virgin Hodegetria

Obraztsov Puppet Theater

Music and Drama theatres Obraztsov Puppet Theater

Sergei Obraztsov Central Puppet Theatre is the world`s largest puppet theatre; the unique puppet clock on the theatre facade has become one of the curiosities of Moscow

Old Building of Moscow State University

Architecture: buildings, structures Old Building of Moscow State University

The old Building of Moscow State University, erected in 1783 under the ptoject of architect Kazakov, is a fine monument of Russian classicism and a symbol of the Age of Enlightenment

Ostankino Palace

Palaces Ostankino Palace

The wooden Ostankino Palace, built in 1792-98 around a theater hall, is a part of estate museum Ostankino; a true architectural treasure of Russian Classicism

Ostankino Park

Parks and gardens Ostankino Park

Ostankino Park (formerly Dzerzhinsky Central Park of Culture and Leisure) was organized in 1932 in the territory of Ostankino Palace and Park Ensemble; a cultural heritage site

Ostankino Tower

Architecture: buildings, structures Ostankino Tower

Ostankino Television and Radio Tower, an architectural monument and a masterpiece of engineering thought, is the 5th tallest in the world free-standing structure (540m)

Patriarch Ponds

Lakes Patriarch Ponds

Patriarch Ponds is one of the most famous places in Moscow, immortalized by Michail Bulgakov in his novel "The Master and Margarita"; an object of cultural heritage of the capital

Petrovsky Travelling Palace

Palaces Petrovsky Travelling Palace

Petrovsky Travelling Palace, built in pseudo-Gothic style with the skillful use of Old Russian architectural traditions, is one of the true gems of Moscow architecture

Poklonnaya Hill

Popular tourist places Poklonnaya Hill

On Poklonnaya Hill is situated a memorial park, immortalizing memory of the fallen in the Great Patriotic War, it is one of the main attractions of the capital

Polytechnical Museum

Museums, historical monuments Polytechnical Museum

Polytechnical Museum, opened in 1872, is one of the oldest and largest science museums in the world; contains about one hundred collections, many of which are absolutely unique

Pushkin House Museum on Arbat

Museums, historical monuments Pushkin House Museum on Arbat

Pushkin House Museum on Arbat is located in former house of Hitrovo family, where the poet rented rooms from December 1830 till May 1831; an important cultural center of the capital

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Museums, historical monuments Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts is one of largest in Russia museums of European and world art from antiquity up to the present day, containing more than half a million exhibits

Pushkin Square

Town squares Pushkin Square

In Pushkin (Strastnaya) Square, the largest square of the Boulevard Ring, stands the first in Russia monument to A.S. Pushkin, the famous statue of the poet, opened in 1880

Red Square at Midnight

Architecture: buildings, structures  
Red Square at Midnight

Red Square Moscow

Town squares Red Square Moscow

The legendary Red square - the heart and soul of Moscow and of all Russia - is bounded by the Kremlin, GUM Department Store, State Historical Museum and St. Basil's Cathedral

Rizhsky Rail Terminal

Transport: airports, railway stations, seaports Rizhsky Rail Terminal

Rizhsky Railway Station was built in 1097-1901 in pseudo-Russian style; one of its main attractions is the Museum of Railroad Engineering, where about 40 exhibits are presented

Russian State Library

Popular tourist places Russian State Library

Russian State Library is the largest public library in Russia, developed on the basis of the famous Count Rumyantsev's collection of books and manuscripts

Ryabushinsky Mansion

Palaces Ryabushinsky Mansion

Ryabushinsky Mansion, erected in the end of 19 century under the project of architect Fyodor Schechtel,is a wonderful example of classical Russian architectural modernism

Saint Basil`s Cathedral

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Saint Basil`s Cathedral

The most beautiful Saint Basil`s Cathedral, built by Barma and Postnik, is the masterpiece of Russian architecture of 16 cent., one of the symbols not only of Moscow, but also of all Russia

Sculpture in Donskoy Monastery

Museums, historical monuments Sculpture in Donskoy Monastery

Grandiose high relieves from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, destroyed by bolsheviks in 1931, are the part of exposition of Shchusev Architectural Museum

Sheremetyev Hospice

Architecture: buildings, structures Sheremetyev Hospice

Sheremetyev Hospice was built by architects Nazarov and Quarenghi in 1797-1807 in mature Classicism style; today the Moscow Institute of Emergency First Aid occupies the building

Sparrow Hills

Mountains, caves, canons Sparrow Hills

Sparrow Hills (Vorobyovy Gory) is a unique nature object, one of the "seven hills of Moscow"; the most peculiar land relief, drunken trees, great number of springs, peaceful atmosphere

State Historical Museum

Museums, historical monuments State Historical Museum

Uniquely large and diverse collection of the State Historical Museum on the Red Square, acquaints one with history and culture of multiethnic Russia from ancient times to our days

State Pushkin Museum

Museums, historical monuments State Pushkin Museum

State Pushkin Museum is a largest scientific-educational center in Moscow; more than 200 thousands historical-cultural monuments, unique library collected by I.N. Rozanov

Statue of Krylov at Patriarchs Ponds

Monuments Statue of Krylov at Patriarchs Ponds

In a cosy public garden at Patriarch's Ponds is situated the monument to Russian poet and fabulist I.A. Krylov, and along the alley there are set up sculptural illustrations to his fables

Strastnoy Boulevard

Streets Strastnoy Boulevard

Strastnoy Boulevard is the widest (more than 80 metres wide) boulevard of the famous Boulevard Ring, which was announced a monument of landscape architecture in 1978

Tchaikovsky monument

Monuments Tchaikovsky monument

A famous seated statue of Pyotr Tchaikovsky by Vera Mukhina was set up in front of Moscow conservatoire on the occasion of 100th anniversary of the great Russian composer`s birth

Temples in Varvarka Street

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Temples in Varvarka Street

Varvarka Street, one of the three most ancient Moscow streets, named after the Сhurch of Great Martyr Varvara, is celebrated for its many temples, built in 17-19 centuries

The Savior  (Spassky) Cathedral of the Andronikov Monastery

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques The Savior (Spassky) Cathedral of the Andronikov Monastery

The Savior Cathedral (Spassky cathedral) of the Andronikov Monastery, built in 15th cent., is the oldest monastery temple in Moscow, with partly preserved frescoes by Andrey Rublev

The State Museum of Oriental Art

Museums, historical monuments The State Museum of Oriental Art

The Museum of Oriental Art possesses the richest collections of art of Asia, Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Russian North and Siberia, and also collections of Roerichs' works

Theatre Square

Town squares Theatre Square

Theatre Square, one of the most beautiful in Moscow, owes its name to three theatres located there, that is Bolshoy, Maly and Russian Academic Youth theatres

Tretyakov Gallery

Museums, historical monuments Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery has one of the largest in the world collections of Russian art, that contains more than 130 000 exhibits dating from eleventh century to the present day

Triumfalnaya Square

Town squares Triumfalnaya Square

Triumfalnaya Square (formerly Mayakovsky square) at the junction of Gorky street and the Garden Ring is a traditional place of different political protest actions and poetic readings

Tsaritsino palace and park ensemble

Palaces Tsaritsino palace and park ensemble

The imperial residence of Tsaritsino, founded in 1775, is the only one in all Europe palace ensemble in pseudo-Gothic style; the most picturesque English landscape park

Tverskaya Square

Town squares Tverskaya Square

Tverskaya Square, lying in front of the building of city hall, has a two hundred years history; here stands an equestrian statue of Yuriy Dolgorukiy, the founder of Moscow

Tverskoy Boulevard

Streets Tverskoy Boulevard

Immensely picturesque and romantic Tverskoy Boulevard, glorified by Russian classical authors, is one of the most prestigious and popular places in the capital

Volkov-Yusupov Chambers

Palaces Volkov-Yusupov Chambers

Volkov-Yusupov Chambers (also Yusupov Palace) - amazingly beautiful monument of Old Russian architecture of 17 century, an outstanding example of Moscow Baroque style

Vysokopetrovsky Monastery

Temples, churches, pagodas, mosques Vysokopetrovsky Monastery

Vysokopetrovsky Monastery is one of the most ancient monasteries in Moscow, an important religious-enlightening and educational center of Russian Orthodox Church

World Trade Center

Architecture: buildings, structures World Trade Center

Moscow World Trade Center is the largest in Russia business complex, consisting of three office buildings, Congress center, five-star hotel "Crowne Plaza", aparthotel "Mezhdunarodnaya"

Yaroslavsky Rail Terminal

Transport: airports, railway stations, seaports Yaroslavsky Rail Terminal

The main building of Yaroslavsky Rail Terminal, built in neo-Russian style in 1902-04 under the project of architect Fyodor Shechtel, is an outstanding monument of Russian modernism