La Paz city

 • Bolivia

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La Paz is the highest of the world capitals, which keeps a mystery of ancient Indian tribes and colonial invaders. The climate is cool due to a high position

1. Holidays in Bolivia. The City of Nuestra Señora de La Paz is located on the bank of the same name river, in the crater of an extinct volcano, at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level.
Choosing a tour to La Paz, one should know that the climate here is cool because of the high-altitude locations (average annual air temperature is +9 ° C). Here are concentrated the majority of public institutions, the residence of the president, as well as the most "high" golf field in the world.
Main attractions of La Paz: old quarters of the colonial time, the palace Diez de Medina (1775), the palace Villaverde, the church of Santo Domingo (1726), the Church of San Francisco (1743 -1784), the Church of San Pedro (1790), the National Archaeological Museum, the National Museum of Art, where one can see pieces of craft and art of ancient Indian and of colonial times.


La Paz is the highest of the world capitals, which keeps a mystery of ancient Indian tribes and colonial invaders. The climate is cool due to a high position

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