Detailed interactive map Japan

Japan is an island country in East Asia, consisting of four main islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and more than 4000 small islands. The country is divided into 47 prefectures, each of which has its own capital. About three-quarters of Japan is a mountainous area uninhabitable, so the main population is concentrated in 10% of the earth, and the remaining area is occupied by farmland. The capital of Japan is Tokyo, ultramodern city with an extensive infrastructure, officially only 100 years older than St. Petersburg. In 2003, the Land of the Rising Sun were the celebrations of the 400 th anniversary of Tokyo. The climate of the subarctic in the north is subtropical in the far south. Most of the country lies in the temperate zone rainy season - from early June until mid-July. In August, the Pacific Coast come typhoons. Japanese state since the beginning to the present day formally always led the emperor. However, with 1192 to 1867 the real power belonged to the shogun is the hereditary head of the samurai class. Modern country with a rich heritage have long been popular among tourists. Despite of the fact that it is one of the most expensive destinations in the world, Japan will undoubtedly leave an indelible impression. From Tokyo to the city's attractions such natural wonders as Mount Fuji and the hot springs Beppu. Bridge between Tokyo and the city of Odaiba - Tokyo calling card. In addition to the motorway, Highway and monorail on the bridge is a footpath just over a length of 900 m, on which it is possible to walk from Tokyo to Odaiba, and vice versa. In Japan, an amazing combination of strong traditional social structure and development of extremely high technology. The latter provide a steady stream of fans from around the world who are interested in the technical innovations as well as the diverse range of market in the country. The best time to travel to central Japan is April-May or September-October, ski resorts in Hokkaido run from November to March. One of the most fashionable hobbies as the Japanese themselves, as well as tourists - a winter trip to the island of Hokkaido in the city of Abashiri and Mombetsu, located on the shores of the Okhotsk Sea. Thousands of people come here to enjoy the drifting ice. Through a complex system of ocean currents here every winter from November to March is played, these ballet icebergs. This is a huge natural show can be observed from aboard a special tourist icebreaker. The main tourist route of the country - climbing Mount Fuji. Translated by Google translator