Detailed interactive map University of Glasgow

Scotland, G12 8QQ Glasgow, 11 Southpark Terrace
Sponsorship: Public
Founding year: 1451
Students: 23590
Courses: 19th-Century Art, Architecture and Design, Academic Practice, Accountancy, Accountancy and Economics, Accountancy with Finance, Accountancy with International Accounting, Accountancy with Languages, Accounting and Finance, Accounting and Finance, Adult and Continuing Education, Advanced Computing Science, Aerial Photography and Geophysical Survey in Archaeology, Aerospace Engineering and Management, American Studies, Ancient Drama, Applied Neuropsychology, Applied Social Research, Archaeological Studies, Art: Politics: Transgression: 20th Century Avant-Gardes, Arts, Atlantic Studies, Battlefield and Conflict Archaeology, Battlefield Archaeology, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Sciences, Business Administration, Central Banking, China in the International Arena, Christian Practice, City and Regional Planning, City Planning and Real Estate Development, City Planning and Regeneration, Civil Engineering and Management, Classical Antiquity, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Classics, Clinical Neuropsychology, Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Pharmacology, Clinical Physics, Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Commercial Law, Community Development, Computer Forensics and E-discovery, Computing Science, Contemporary Economic History, Creative Writing, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Decorative Arts and Design History, Dental Surgery, Desalination Technology, Development Studies, Divinity, Dramaturgy, Ecology and Environmental Biology, Economic Development, Economics, Economics, Banking and Finance, Education, Education and Social Purpose, Education in Music, Educational Studies, Educational Studies, Electrical Engineering and Management, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, Engineering and Management, English Language and English Linguistics, English Language Teaching, English, Educational and Cultural Studies, Environment and Sustainable Development, Equality and Human Rights, European Cinema, European Legal Studies, European Politics, Evolutionary Biology and Systematics, Film and Television Studies, Film Journalism, Finance and Economic Development, Financial Economics, Flood Risk Management, Gaelic with Scottish Studies, Gender, Rights and Development, General Humanities, Geoinformation Technology and Cartography, Geospatial and Mapping Sciences, Geotechnical Engineering, German Thought, Modern, Global Movements, Social Justice and Sustainability, Health Care, Historical Archaeology, History, History and Computing, History of Collecting and Collections, Housing Studies, Human Geography, Human Nutrition, Human Rights and International Politics, Human Rights Law, Inclusive Education, Information Management and Preservation: Archives and Records Management, Information Technology, Inter-Faith Studies, Inter-Faith Studies, International Accounting and Financial Management, International Banking and Finance, International Competition Law and Policy, International Development, International Finance and Economic Policy, International Finance and Financial Institutions, International Financial Economics, International Law, International Politics, International Trade and Finance, Law, Law, Literature, Theology and the Arts, Literature, Theology and the Arts, Management Research, Management: Corporate Advantage, Management: Development Policy, Management: Enterprise and Business Growth, Management: Human Resource Management, Management: International Business, Management: International Finance, Management: International Market Entry and Development, Management: International Marketing, Management: International Real Estate, Management: Mathematics, Management: Mathematics with Statistics, Marine and Freshwater Ecology and Environmental Management, Marine Engineering, Marine Technology, Material Culture and Artefact Studies, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Management, Media Management, Medical Genetics, Medicine and Surgery, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Medieval Archaeology, Medieval Scottish Studies, Mediterranean Archaeology, Modernities: Modernism, Modernity and Post-Modernity, Molecular Medicine, Molecular Parasitology, Monetary Economics and Finance, Music, Nautical Science, Nursing, Paediatric Science, Philosophy, Philosophy: Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy, Philosophy: Metaphysics and Philosophy of Language, Philosophy: Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy: Moral Philosophy and Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy: Moral Philosophy and Political Philosophy, Philosophy: Philosophy of Language and Moral Philosophy, Philosophy: Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Mind, Plant Science, Political Communication, Popular Music Studies, Primary Care, Primary Dental Care, Professional Archaeology, Professional Development and Enquiry: Chartered Teacher, Project Planning and Development Policy Analysis, Psychological Studies, Public Health, Public Policy, Public Service Management: Educational Leadership, Racism and Imperialism, Reading European Cultures, Real Estate, Real Estate and Regeneration, Religious and Philosophical Education, Religious Education, Reproductive and Maternal Sciences, Research Methods of Psychological Science, Romanticism and the Forms of Modernity, Russian, Central and East European Studies, Science, Science, Science and Science Education, Science in Veterinary Biosciences, Scottish Cultural Heritage, Scottish Gaelic Literature and Language, Scottish Studies, Scottish Studies with Gaelic, Social History, Social Science Research, Social Sciences, Sociology, Space Mission Analysis and Design, Sports and Exercise Medicine, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Surgical Oncology, System Level Integration, Systems Biology, Technical Management of Ship Operations, Technological Education, Theology and Religious Studies, Theology and Religious Studies, Theology and Religious Studies, Tourism, Heritage and Development, Translation Studies in Scotland, Urban and Housing Practice, Urban Policy and Practice, Urban Regeneration, Urban Research, Veterinary Biosciences, Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Victorian Literature, War Studies, Water Resources Engineering Management, Writing.