Noroeste region

 • Argentina

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Noroeste is the land of contrasts in everything: landscapes, geology, flora, fauna, archaeology, and ethnic diversity. The best time for a visit is from March to December

North-western provinces of Argentina are located between Bolivian and Chilean borders. This area is known as NOA (Noroeste Argentino) and includes such provinces as Jujui, Salta, Tucuman and Santiago del Estero.
The best time to travel is from March to November / December, particularly in September, in time of blossoming of Jacaránda, orange trees, Lapacho. This time is clear, sunny and dry, daytime temperature is +20 C, but evenings are chilly. Summer (from middle of December to March) is time of rains and many roads are washed out. NOA is a land of contrasts in everything - landscapes, geology, flora, fauna, archeology and ethnic diversity. From plains of Chaco forests in the eastern part of NOA to the Andean heights, various ecosystems replace each other. At first, dense tropical forest, located mainly on wet sides of mountain ranges: huge trees, huge ferns, lianas, hanging from trees, and blossoming orchids. Wildlife lovers will find here not only toucans, singing birds, monkeys, tapirs, but even jaguars.
With promotion to the west, it rains less often, a terrain becomes more tortuous and varied. Paving its way from mountains rivers, form broad valleys and deep multicolored canyons, called "Quebradas". This is a kingdom thistle, giant cactus-chandeliers - whole groves of these giants grow here and there on a background of orange, yellow and pink mountains. For centuries, valleys serve for communication between Puna and lower lands, some of them have already been used by the Incas, and then witnessed the war for independence against Spanish rule. To present day, this area is important for residents of villages and small towns of north of Argentina.
Above, across the canyon is located the Puna Highlands, 3400 meters above sea level. Here can be seen grazing of wild vicunas and lamas. This is their favorite place since ancient times. Pune is represented by unimaginable volcanic formations, typical for lunar landscapes, salt lakes, mountain lakes with large populations of flamingos and other unique, found only here birds.
Previously Argentine Pune was inhabited by Indian tribes that were a part of the Inca Empire. Petroglyphs (ancient rock drawings), roads, paved at that times, houses and fortifications, found by archaeologists, proof it.


Noroeste is the land of contrasts in everything: landscapes, geology, flora, fauna, archaeology, and ethnic diversity. The best time for a visit is from March to December

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