Detailed interactive map University of the West of England

South West England, BS16 1QY Bristol, Coldharbour Lane
Sponsorship: Public
Founding year: 1970
Students: 28990
Courses: Accounting and Artificial Intelligence, Accounting and Economics, Accounting and English, Accounting and European Studies, Accounting and Finance, Accounting and Internet Systems, Accounting and Law, Accounting and Linguistics, Accounting and Mathematics, Accounting and Multimedia Computing, Accounting and Psychology, Adult Nursing, Advanced Practice, Advanced Technologies in Electronics, Aerospace Design Engineering, Aerospace Design Engineering, Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering, Aerospace Manufacturing Engineering, Aerospace Systems Engineering, Aerospace Systems Engineering, Agricultural Business Management, Agriculture and Conservation, Agriculture and Land Management, Amenity Horticultural Management, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal Science, Animal Science, Applied Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Applied Biological Sciences, Applied Genetics, Applied Microbiology, Applied Social Research (Built Environment), Applied Social Research (Business and Management), Applied Social Research (Education), Applied Social Research (Health and Social Care), Architectural Technology and Design, Architecture, Architecture, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Art, Media and Design by Project, Artificial Intelligence and Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Music Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Psychology, Biomedical Science, Biomedical Science, Biotechnology, Bioveterinary Science, Building Services Engineering, Building Surveying, Building Surveying, Built and Natural Environments, Built Environment Studies, Business and Business Decision Mathematics, Business and Computing, Business and Drama, Business and Economics, Business and Education, Business and English Language, Business and European Studies, Business and History, Business and International Relations, Business and Internet Systems, Business and Internet Technology, Business and Law, Business and Multimedia Computing, Business and Music Technology, Business and Politics, Business and Sociology, Business Decision Mathematics and Economics, Business Decision Mathematics and Marketing, Business Decision Mathematics and Mathematics, Business Decision Mathematics and Multimedia Computing, Business Decision Mathematics and Psychology, Business Enterprise, Business in Property, Business Information Systems, Business Studies, Business Studies with Accounting and Finance, Business Studies with Human Resource Management, Business Studies with Marketing, Cancer Care, Care of the Older Person, Cellular Pathology, Child Health, Chinese Studies and Business, Chinese Studies and English as a Foreign Language, Chinese Studies and French, Chinese Studies and History, Chinese Studies and Marketing, Chinese Studies and Politics, Chinese Studies and Spanish, Civil Engineering, Clinical Chemistry, Coaching Science, Commercial Law, Commercial Law, Community Practice, Community Practice, Community Safety and Crime Prevention, Computer Aided Architectural Design and Construction, Computer Science, Computer Security, Computer Systems Engineering, Computing, Computing and English, Computing and Geography, Computing and Information Systems, Computing and Internet Systems, Computing and Law, Computing and Marketing, Computing and Mathematics, Computing and Multimedia Computing, Computing and Psychology, Computing and Robotics, Conservation Biology, Construction and Property Management, Construction Commercial Management, Construction Management, Construction Management (HND top-up), Construction Project Management, Contemporary Midwifery, Countryside Conservation and Management, Creative Music Technology, Criminal Justice, Criminology, Criminology and Drama, Criminology and English, Criminology and English as a Foreign Language, Criminology and European Studies, Criminology and Film Studies, Criminology and History, Criminology and International Relations, Criminology and Law, Criminology and Linguistics, Criminology and Media and Cultural Studies, Criminology and Philosophy, Criminology and Politics, Criminology and Psychology, Criminology and Sociology, Criminology and Spanish, Critical Care, Cultural and Media Studies, Dairy Herd Management, Documentary Film and Video, Drama, Drama and Early Childhood Studies, Drama and Education, Drama and English, Drama and English Language, Drama and Film Studies, Drama and Geography, Drama and History, Drama and Marketing, Drama and Media and Cultural Studies, Drama and Music Technology, Drama and Philosophy, Drama and Politics, Drama and Psychology, Drama and Sociology, Drawing and Applied Arts, Early Childhood Studies, Early Childhood Studies and English Language, Early Childhood Studies and Law, Early Childhood Studies and Linguistics, Early Childhood Studies and Management, Early Childhood Studies and Politics, Early Childhood Studies and Sociology, Economics, Economics, Economics (International Business Economics), Economics (Money, Banking and Finance), Economics (Money, Banking and Finance), Economics and English Language, Economics and French, Economics and Geography, Economics and International Relations, Economics and Marketing, Economics and Mathematics, Economics and Politics, Economics and Psychology, Economics and Sociology, Economics and Spanish, Education, Education and Early Childhood Studies, Education and English, Education and Management, Education and Mathematics, Education and Psychology, Education in Professional Practice, Education Studies, Education Studies + PGCE (3+1), Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Emergency Care, Employment Law, Engineering and Technology Management, English, English, English and English Language, English and European Studies, English and French, English and History, English and Law, English and Linguistics, English and Management, English and Multimedia Computing, English and Philosophy, English and Politics, English and Sociology, English as a Foreign Language and European Studies, English as a Foreign Language and Film Studies, English as a Foreign Language and Linguistics, English as a Foreign Language and Spanish, English Language, English Language and European Studies, English Language and Geography, English Language and Law, English Language and Linguistics, English Language and Marketing, English Language and Multimedia Computing, English Language and Psychology, English Language and Spanish, English Language and Tourism, Environmental Biology, Environmental Consultancy, Environmental Health, Environmental Health, Environmental Science, Equine Business Management, Equine Dental Science, Equine Science, Equine Science, Equine Sports Science, European and International Law, European Business, European Business Law, European Studies and French, European Studies and History, European Studies and International Relations, European Studies and Marketing, European Studies and Mathematics, European Studies and Music Technology, European Studies and Sociology, European Studies and Spanish, Facilities Management, Film Studies, Film Studies and English, Film Studies and History, Film Studies and Media and Cultural Studies, Film Studies and Philosophy, Film Studies and Politics, Film Studies and Sociology, Film Studies and Spanish, Financial Management (fast track route for qualified professionals), Financial Management (full - time), Fine Art, Forensic Biology, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Computing, Forensic Genetics, Forensic Sciences, French and Linguistics, French and Marketing, French and Philosophy, French and Psychology, French and Spanish, French and Tourism, Genomics Research, Geography, Geography and Environmental Management, Geography and History, Geography and International Relations, Geography and Planning, Geography and Politics, Geography and Sociology, Geography and Tourism, Geography and Transport, Grid Computing, Group Relations and Society, Guidance (Vocational / Educational), Haematology, Health Psychology, Health, Safety and the Environment, History, History, History and International Relations, History and Law, History and Linguistics, History and Mathematics, History and Philosophy, History and Politics, History and Psychology, History and Sociology, Housing, Housing and Business Management, Housing and Community Renewal, Housing Development and Management, Human Biology, Human Resources Management, Human Rights, Immunology, Industrial and Commercial Law, Information and Library Management, Information Technology, Information Technology, Information Technology Management for Business, International Business and Modern Languages, International Business Economics, International Business Studies, International Economic Law, International History with International Politics, International Human Rights Law, International Law, International Management, International Relations, International Relations and Law, International Relations and Linguistics, International Relations and Management, International Relations and Marketing, International Relations and Philosophy, International Relations and Politics, International Relations and Psychology, International Relations and Sociology, International Relations and Spanish, International Relations and Tourism, International Trade Law, Internet Applications, Internet Computing, Internet Technology and Management, Internet Technology and Mathematics, Internet Technology and Multimedia Computing, Journalism, Law, Law, Law and Marketing, Law and Politics, Law and Psychology, Law and Sociology, Law with English as a Foreign Language, Law with French, Law with Spanish, Leadership and Organisation of Public Services, Learning Disabilities Nursing, Learning Disability Studies, Lifelong Learning, Linguistics and Mathematics, Linguistics and Music Technology, Linguistics and Sociology, Linguistics and Spanish, Management, Management, Management (International Human Resource Management), Management and Mathematics, Management and Politics, Management and Psychology, Marketing, Marketing, Marketing and Multimedia Computing, Marketing and Music Technology, Marketing and Politics, Marketing and Sociology, Marketing and Tourism, Marketing Communications, Master of Business Administration, Mathematics, Mathematics and Sociology, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Media (Animation), Media (Graphic Arts), Media (Interactive Arts), Media (Screenwriting), Media (Video Arts), Media and Cultural Studies, Media and Cultural Studies and English, Media and Cultural Studies and English as a Foreign Language, Media and Cultural Studies and French, Media and Cultural Studies and History, Media and Cultural Studies and Philosophy, Media and Cultural Studies and Politics, Media and Cultural Studies and Sociology, Media and Cultural Studies and Spanish, Medical Microbiology, Medical Ultrasound, Mental Health, Mental Health, Mental Health (Primary Care), Mental Health Acute Inpatient Care, Mental Health Nursing, Midwifery (18 month post registration), Motorsport Engineering, Multi - Disciplinary Printmaking, Multimedia Computing, Multimedia Computing and Music Technology, Multimedia Computing and Psychology, Multimedia Computing and Sociology, Music Systems Engineering, Music Technology and Robotics, Music Therapy, New Media, Nuclear Medicine, Palliative Care, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Philosophy, Philosophy and Politics, Philosophy and Sociology, Philosophy and Spanish, Physiotherapy, Planning with Transport, Planning, Housing and Renewal, Politics, Politics and Psychology, Politics and Sociology, Professional Studies, Property Development and Planning, Property Development and Planning, Property Management / Property and Facilities Management, Property Management and Investment, Psycho - Social Studies, Psychology, Psychology and Forensic Science, Psychology and Sociology, Psychology and Sports Biology, Public Health, Public Health, Public Health (Specialist Community Public Health), Quantity Surveying, Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management, Radiotherapy, Real Estate (Valuation and Management), Real Estate Management, Regional Histories, Research Methods in Psychology, River and Coastal Engineering, Robotics, Robotics, Science Communication, Sociology, Sociology and Spanish, Sociology and Tourism, Software Engineering, Software Engineering, Spanish and Tourism, Spatial Planning, Specialist Practice, Sports Biology, Sports Business Management, Sports Management, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Statistics, Statistics and Management Science, Substance Misuse, Systems Administration and Security, Technology Management (Aerospace), Total Technology (Aerospace), Tourism and Environmental Management, Tourism and Sustainability, Tourism Management, Tourism Management, Town and Country Planning, Town and Country Planning, Town Planning, Translation, Transport Planning, Urban and Rural Regeneration, Urban Design, Veterinary Nursing Science, Veterinary Practice Management, Web Design, Wildlife Management.