Detailed interactive map University of Wales - Newport

Wales, NP18 3YH Newport, Lodge Road
Sponsorship: Public
Founding year: 1975
Students: 8000
Courses: Accounting, Accounting and Economics, Accounting and Law, Active Recreation and Health, Advertising Design, Animation, Animation, Applied Drama, Autism, Building Studies, Business Administration, Business and Accounting, Business and Accounting, Business and Economics, Business and Economics, Business and Enterprise Development, Business and Human Resource Management, Business and Law, Business and Marketing, Business Information Systems, Business Studies, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Child Development Studies, Childhood Studies, Civil and Construction Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Games Design, Computing, Computing, Consultative Supervision, Counselling, Counselling Studies and Society, Creative Sound and Music, Creative Therapies in Education (Art or Dance and Movement or Drama or Music), Creative Writing, Criminal and Community Justice, Critical and Creative Thinking, Design, Documentary Film and Television, Documentary Photography, Documentary Photography, Early Years, Economics and Law, Education and ICT, Education and Linked Named Awards, Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, Education Leadership and Management, Education, Early Years or Inclusion, Engineering, Engineering / Information Technology, English, English Literature: Rethinking the Real 1848-1930, Fashion Design, Film, Film and Video, Fine Art, Fire Engineering, Forensic Computing, Games Development and Artificial Intelligence, Graphic Design, Health Promotion and Education, Historical Landscape Studies, History, Human Resource Management, Inclusive Practice - Health and Education, Information Security, Information Technology Management, Intelligent Systems Engineering, Interactive Media, International Management, Internet and Multimedia Technology, Lifespan Exercise and Health, Managing Professional Practice in the Human Services, Marketing, Marketing, Performing Arts, Photographic Art, Post - Compulsory Education and Training, Primary Studies with Qualified Teacher Status, Psychology, Psychology, Psychology and Counselling, Religious Education, Religious Studies and Philosophy, Robotic Engineering, Secondary Teaching Design and Technology, Social Welfare, Sociology, Special Educational Needs, Sports and Youth and Community Studies, Sports and Youth and Community Studies, Sports Coaching and Development, Sports Science Support, Sports Studies, Sustainable Engineering, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Teaching English to Young Learners, Technology Management, Telecommunications with Management, Youth and Community Studies, Youth Justice.