Detailed interactive map University of Salford

North West England, M5 4WT Salford, Cranfield Airfield
Sponsorship: Public
Founding year: 1896
Students: 20185
Courses: Accessibility and Inclusive Design, Acoustics, Acupuncture in Practice, Acute Child Care, Advanced Manufactured Construction, Advanced Neonatal Practice, Advanced Occupational Therapy, Advertising Design, Aeronautical Engeneering, Aeronautical Engeneering, Aeronautical Engeneering, Aerospace Business Systems, Aerospace Engineering, Aircraft Engeneering with Pilot Studies, Analytical Biosciences and Drug Design, Animal Psychology and Rehabilitation, Animation, Applied Bioscience, Applied Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Applied Linguistics, Applied Sports Science, Aquatic Science, Arabic / English Translation, Architectural Design and Technology, Art and Design, Arts and Museum Management, Asian Cinema, Audio Acoustics, Audio Technology, Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies, Biological Science, Biological Science with a foundation year, Biological Science with studies in France, Biological Science with studies in the USA, Biomedical Science, Biotechnical Science, Biotechnical Science with Studies in the USA, Biotechnology, Building Surveying, Built Environment for Healthcare, Business and Management Studies, Business Economics, Business Finance, Business Information Systems, Business Information Technology, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Civil and Architectural Engeneering, Civil and Architectural Engeneering, Civil Engeneering, Civil Engeneering, Civil Engeneering, Collaborative Health Care, Community and Public Health, Community Governance, Complementary Medicine and Health Sciences, Complementary Therapy in Practice, Computer and Video Games, Computer Networks, Computer Science, Computer Science, Computer Science and Information Systems, Computing, Construction Law and Practice, Construction Management, Construction Management, Construction Project Management, Contemporary Fine Art, Contemporary History and Politics, Contemporary Italian Studies, Contemporary Military and International History, Contemporary Theatre Practice, Corporate Finance, Corporate Risk Management, Counselling Studies and Complementary Medicine, Counselling Studies and Health Studies, Counselling Studies and Social Policy, Creative Games, Creative Technology, Crime and Criminal Justice, Criminology, Criminology and Cultural Studies, Criminology and Politics, Criminology and Sociology, Data Telecommunications and Networks, Dental Implantology, Design and Heritage, Design for Digital Media, Design Futures, Design Management, Design Management for the Creative Industries, Diagnostic Radiology, Digital Architectural Design, Digital Broadcast Technology, Disaster Mitigation and Reconstruction, East and West European Political Studies, eCommerce Systems, Economics, eGovernance, English and Creative Writing, English Language and Linguistics, English Literature, English Literature with English Language, English with Cultural Studies, English with Journalism, Environmental Acoustics, Environmental and Public Health, Environmental Bioscience, Environmental Geography, Environmental Health, Environmental Protection, Environmental Studies with a foundation year, European Languages, Events Management, Exercise and Health, Facilities Management, Fashion, Fiction Film Production, Film Screenwriting, Finance and Accounting, Financial Services Management, Food Quality Management, Gambling and Leisure Management, Gambling and Leisure Management, Gas Engineering and Management, Geographical Information Systems, Geriatric Medicine, Graphic Design, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, Health and Safety Law and Environmental Law, Health and Safety Law and Environmental Law, Health and Social Care, Health Care Law, Health Care Law, Health Informatics, Higher Education Research and Practice, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, Housing Practice, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Human Rights and Ethics, Industrial Design, Information Security, Information Security Management, Information Systems, Infrastructure Management, Intelligence and Security Studies, International Banking and Finance, International Business, International Business and Management For Design, International Hospitality Management, International Relations and Globalisation, International Tourism Management, Interpreting and Translating, Investment Banking, IT Management in Construction, Journalism, Law with Finance, Learning Technologies, Leisure and Tourism Management, Management, Management Practice, Managing Business Performance, Managing Business with IT, Managing Information Technology, Manufacturing Systems and Management, Marketing, Marketing Management, Master of Enterprise Technology, Materials Physics, Midwifery, Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology, Museum and Heritage Exhibition Design, Nursing, Occupational Safety and Health, Operational Research and Applied Statistics, Planning Sustainable Environments, Politics and Contemporary History, Professional Studies in Adult Care, Project Management, Project Management in Construction, Public Health and Society, Purchasing and Logistics, Real Estate and Property Management, Real Estate Development, Robotics and Automation, Social Work, Sport and Leisure Management, Strategic Logistics Solutions, Structural Engineering, Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Infrastructure, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Television and Radio, Television and Radio Scriptwriting, Television Documentary Production, Terrorism and Security, Therapeutic Interventions, Tourism Management, Translating, Transport Engineering and Planning, Vacuum Engineering and Applications, Visual Arts, Wildlife and Practical Conservation, Wildlife Conservation with Zoo Biology, Zoology.
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