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Yorkshire and the Humber, HU6 7RX Hull, Scarborough Campus
Sponsorship: Public
Founding year: 1954
Students: 21430
Courses: Accounting, Accounting, Accounting and Business Economics, Accounting and Business Economics, Accounting and Financial Management, Accounting and Financial Management, Accounting and Logistics, Accounting and Logistics, American Studies, American Studies and Drama, American Studies and English, American Studies and Film Studies, American Studies and French, American Studies and German, American Studies and History, American Studies and Italian, American Studies and Philosophy, American Studies and Religion / Theology, American Studies and Spanish, American Studies with Creative Writing, American Studies with Gender Studies, Applied Physics, Applied Physics, Aquatic Zoology, Biology, Biology with Molecular Biology, Biology with Molecular Biology, Biology with Molecular BioScience, Biology with Ornithology, Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, British Politics and Legislative Studies, Business, Business, Business and Accounting, Business and Accounting, Business and Business Economics, Business and Business Economics, Business and Economics, Business and Economics, Business and Management, Business and Management, Business and Marketing, Business and Marketing, Business Economics, Business Economics, Business Economics and Financial Management, Business Economics and Financial Management, Business Economics and Logistics, Business Economics and Logistics, Business Management and Information Technology, Business Management and Information Technology, Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry with Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology, Chemistry with Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology, Chemistry with Business, Chemistry with Forensic Science and Toxicology, Chemistry with Forensic Science and Toxicology, Chemistry with Molecular Medicine, Chemistry with Molecular Medicine, Chemistry with Nanotechnology, Chemistry with Nanotechnology, Coastal Marine Biology, Combined Languages, Commercial Law, Computer Aided Engineering, Computer and Business Informatics, Computer Music, Computer Science, Computer Science, Computer Science, Computer Science with Games Development, Computer Science with Games Development, Computer Science with Industrial Experience, Computer Software Development, Computer Software Development, Computer Software Development, Computer Software Development, Creative Music Technology, Creative Music Technology and Design for Digital Media, Creative Music Technology with Business Management, Creative Writing and American Studies, Creative Writing and English, Creative Writing and Film Studies, Creative Writing and Philosophy, Creative Writing and Theology, Criminology, Criminology and Social Policy, Criminology and Sociology, Criminology with Forensic Science, Criminology with Law, Criminology with Psychology, Design and Technology, Design for Digital Media, Digital Media Studies, Drama, Drama and English, Drama and Film Studies, Drama and French, Drama and German, Drama and Italian, Drama and Music, Drama and Spanish, Drama and Theology, Drama with History of Art, Ecology, Economics, Economics, Economics and Business Economics, Economics and Business Economics, Economics and Logistics, Economics and Logistics, Educational Studies with Culture, Media and Society, Educational Studies with Early Childhood Studies, Educational Studies with English Studies, Educational Studies with Environmental Science, Educational Studies with Information and Communication Technology, Educational Studies with Psychology, Educational Studies with Urban Learning, Electronic Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electronic Gaming Systems, English, English and American Literature and Culture, English and Film Studies, English and French, English and German, English and History, English and Italian, English and Music, English and Philosophy, English and Spanish, English and Theology, English as a Foreign Language, Literature and Culture, English Literature and Culture, English with Creative Writing, English with Educational Studies, English with Gender Studies, English with History of Art, Environmental Science, Ethics, Religion and Educational Studies, European Government and Politics, Film Studies, Financial Management, Financial Management, Financial Management and Economics, Financial Management and Economics, Financial Management and Logistics, Financial Management and Logistics, Forensic Science with Criminology, French and Film Studies, French and German, French and Italian, French and Spanish, French and Theology / Religion, French with Business, French with Gender Studies, French with Management, French with Marketing, French with Translation Studies, Geography, Geography, Geography and Archaeology, Geography and Archaeology, Geography and History, Geography with Business, Geography with Ecology, Geography with Marketing, Geography with Sport Science, German and Film Studies, German and Italian, German and Spanish, German and Theology / Religion, German Studies, German with Business, German with Gender Studies, German with Management, German with Marketing, German with Translation Studies, Globalisation and Governance, Hispanic Studies and Theology / Religion, History, History and Archaeology, History and Film Studies, History and French, History and German, History and Italian, History and Politics, History and Religion / Theology, History and Spanish, History with Economics, History with Gender Studies, History with History of Art, History with Social History, Human Biology, Human Geography, Information and Computer Control Technology, Information Technology Management for Business, International Business, International Business, International Law, Italian and Film Studies, Italian and Spanish, Italian and Theology / Religion, Italian Studies, Italian with Business, Italian with Gender Studies, Italian with Management, Italian with Marketing, Italian with Translation Studies, Jazz and Popular Music, Law, Law with Business, Law with Criminology, Law with French Law and Language, Law with German Law and Language, Law with Philosophy, Law with Politics, Law with Spanish Law and Language, Logistics, Logistics, Management, Management, Management and Accounting, Management and Accounting, Management and Business, Management and Business, Management and Business Economics, Management and Business Economics, Management and Economics, Management and Economics, Management and Financial Management, Management and Financial Management, Management and Logistics, Management and Logistics, Management and Marketing, Management and Marketing, Marine and Freshwater Biology, Marine and Freshwater Biology, Marketing, Marketing, Marketing and Accounting, Marketing and Accounting, Marketing and Business Economics, Marketing and Business Economics, Marketing and Economics, Marketing and Economics, Marketing and Financial Management, Marketing and Financial Management, Marketing and Logistics, Marketing and Logistics, Mechanical and Medical Engineering, Mechanical and Medical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Media Performance, Media, Culture and Society, Medical Product Design, Medical Sciences, Midwifery, Modern Language Studies, Music, Music, Music and Film Studies, Music and French, Music and German, Music and Italian, Music and Spanish, Nursing: Adult Nursing, Nursing: Learning Disability Nursing, Nursing: Mental Health Nursing, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Philosophy, Philosophy and Film Studies, Philosophy and French, Philosophy and German, Philosophy and Italian, Philosophy and Politics, Philosophy and Sociology, Philosophy and Spanish, Philosophy and Theology, Philosophy with Creative Writing, Philosophy with Gender Studies, Philosophy with Psychology, Physical Education and Sport Science with Management, Physical Education and Sport Science with Psychology, Physical Geography, Physical Geography, Physics, Physics, Physics and Philosophy, Physics with Astrophysics, Physics with Astrophysics, Physics with Lasers and Photonics, Physics with Lasers and Photonics, Physics with Medical Technology, Physics with Nanotechnology, Physics with Nanotechnology, Politics, Politics and International Relations, Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Politics, Philosophy, Economics, Popular Music, Primary Teaching, Primary Teaching with Biological Studies, Primary Teaching with English, Primary Teaching with Information and Communications Technology, Primary Teaching with Mathematics, Product Innovation, Psychology, Psychology with Counselling, Psychology with Criminology, Psychology with Philosophy, Psychology with Sociology, Psychology with Sports Science, Religion, Religion and Politics, Religion, Media and Society, Senior Status, Social Policy with Gender Studies, Social Policy with Public Sector Management, Social Work, Sociology, Sociology and Anthropology with French, Sociology and Anthropology with Gender Studies, Sociology and Anthropology with Geography, Sociology and Anthropology with German, Sociology and Anthropology with Italian, Sociology and Anthropology with Spanish, Spanish and Film Studies, Spanish Studies, Spanish with Business, Spanish with Gender Studies, Spanish with Management, Spanish with Marketing, Spanish with Translation Studies, Sport and Exercise Science, Sport and Leisure Management, Sport and Leisure Management, Sport Science with Geography, Sports Coaching and Performance, Sports Rehabilitation, Teaching, The Theatre and Performance, Theatre and Dance, Theatre and Design for Digital Media, Theatre and English, Theology, Theology and Film Studies, Theology and Sociology, Theology with Creative Writing, Theology with Gender Studies, Theology with History of Art, Theology, Slavery and Liberation, Tourism Management, Tourism Management, Two Modern Languages with Business, Two Modern Languages with Management, Two Modern Languages with Marketing, Two Modern Languages with Translation Studies, War and Security Studies, Web Design and Development, Zoology.