Detailed interactive map University of Central Lancashire in Preston

North West England, PR1 2HE Preston, Moor Park
Sponsorship: Public
Founding year: 1828
Students: 28850
Courses: 3D Computer Graphics and Visualisation, Accounting, Accounting and Business, Accounting and Economics, Accounting and Financial Studies, Accounting and International Business, Accounting and Law, Accounting and Management, Accounting and Marketing, Acting, Active Citizenship and Volunteer Development, Advanced Dietetic Practice, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practice, Adventure Sports Coaching, Adventure Sports Management, Adventure Sports Science, Advertising, Advertising and Marketing Communications, American Studies, Animation, Applied Psychology, Applied Public Health, Archaeology, Architectural Conservation, Architectural Technology, Art and Design, Art History and Visual Culture and English Literature, Art History and Visual Culture and Film and Media, Arts Health, Arts Health, Asia Pacific Studies, Astronomy, Astronomy and Mathematics, Astrophysics, Astrophysics, Bioethics and Medical Law, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Science, Biomedical Science, British Sign Language, Broadcast Journalism, Building Services, Business, Business Administration, Business Administration, Business and Accounting, Business and Business Information Systems, Business and Management, Business and Marketing, Business Information Systems, Business Information Systems and Management, Business Information Systems and Management, Business Information Technology, Business Information Technology, Business Management, Business Management, Business Management in China, Business Studies, Business Telecommunications, Care Community and Citizenship, Ceramics, Ceramics, Chemistry, Child Health, Child Health and Social Care, Communication Studies and Popular Culture, Community Nursing Specialist Practitioner Specialist Area, Complementary Medicine, Computer Aided Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Games Development, Computer Network Technology, Computing, Computing, Construction Project Management, Construction Project Management, Consumer Product Design with placement, Contact Centre Management, Contemporary Menswear, Contemporary Theatre and Performance, Creative and Cultural Industries, Creative and Cultural Industries, Creative Fashion Knit, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Criminology and Philosophy, Criminology and Social Policy, Criminology and Sociology, Dance and Somatic Well Being, Database Systems, Deaf Studies, Deaf Studies and Education, Deaf Studies and Law, Deaf Studies and Psychology, Dental Implantology, Design, Design for Healthcare, Design of Interactive Technology for Education, Digital Communications, Digital Communications, Digital Design for Fashion, Digital Journalism Production, Digital Signal and Image Processing, Digital Signal and Image Processing, Disaster Victim Identification, DNA Profiling, Document Analysis, Documentary Writing, Drawing and Image Making, Economics and Accounting, Economics and International Business, Education and English Literature, Education and History, Education and Sociology, Education Stage 2 entry, Electronic Engineering, Employment Law, Engineering Management, English and Theatre Studies, English for International Corporate Communication, English Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, English Language Studies, English Literarature, English Literarature and Film and Media, English Literarature and History, Environmental Management, Environmental Management and Geography or Geography and Environmental Management, Ethics and Cultural Diversity in Health, Ethnicity and Human Rights and Criminology, Ethnicity and Human Rights and Education, Ethnicity and Human Rights and History, Ethnicity and Human Rights and Social Policy, Ethnicity and Human Rights and Sociology, Ethnicity ans Human Rights and Health Studies, European and International Students, European and International Students, European Law, Event Management, Exercise and Rehabilitation, Exercise, Nutrition and Health, Experimental Film, Facilities Management, Fashion, Fashion and Brand Promotion and Film Production, Fashion and Brand Promotion and Journalism, Fashion and Brand Promotion and Marketing, Fashion and Brand Promotion and Photography, Fashion and Lifestyle Promotion, Fashion Design, Fashion Promotion, Fashion Promotion with Styling, Fashion Shaping, Film and Media and American Studies, Film and Media Studies, Film and TV Screenwriting, Film Production, Film Studies, Financial Management, Fine Art, Fire Engineering, Fire Engineering Management, Fire Safety, Fire Safety Management, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Biology, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Computing, Forensic Computing, Forensic Medicine and Bioethics, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Science, Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation, Forensic Science and Criminology, Games Design, Games Design, Garden and Exterior Spatial Design, General Practice, Geography, Geography, Geography and Sociology, Global Business Management, Graphic Design, Graphic Design with placement, Health Informatics, Health Psychology, Health Sciences and Practice, Health Service Management, Health Studies, Health Studies, Health Studies and Education, Health Studies and Psychology, Health Studies and Social Policy, Health Studies and Sociology, Herbal Medicine, High Performance Scientific Computing, History, History, History and American Studies, History and Education, History and English Literature, History and Film and Media, History and Law, History and Politics, History and Sociology, History Museums and Heritage, Homeopathic Medicine, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management with Graduate Membership of the Institute of Personnel and Development GradCIPD, Human-Computer Interaction, ICT for Business, Illustration, Information Systems Design, Interactive Digital Media, Interactive Media Production, Intercultural Business Communication, Interior Design, Interior Design, International Applied Communication, International Business, International Business and Accounting, International Business and Economics, International Business and Management, International Business and Marketing, International Business Communication, International Business Law, International Documentary and Factual Television Production, International Finance and Investment, International Hospitality and Casino Management, International Journalism, International Journalism, International Tourism Management, Internet Software Development, Journalism, Journalism and English Literature, Journalism Leadership, Law, Law, Law and Business, Law and Criminology, Law and English Literature, Law and Politics, Law and Psychology, Leisure Management, Magazine Journalism, Management and Business Information Systems, Management and Marketing, Management and Public Relations, Management in Events, Management in Hospitality, Management in Leisure, Management in Motorsports, Management in Tourism, Management Information Systems, Management of Long Term Health Conditions, Marketing, Marketing and Business, Marketing and International Business, Marketing and Management, Marketing and Public Relations, Marketing Management, Mathematics, Mathematics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Business Information Systems, Mathematics and Education, Mathematics and Psychology, Media Production and Technology, Media Production and Technology and Journalism, Medical Law and Bioethics, Mental Health Practice, Midwifery, Midwifery Studies, Mobile Interactive Technology, Modern Foreign Languages, Modern Languages, Modern World History, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology and Forensic Science, Motor Sports, Motor Sports Engineering, Motor Sports Engineering, Motor Sports Operations, Multimedia Computing, Multimedia Development, Multimedia Games Development, Music and Media Arts, Music Practice, Music Production, Music Theatre, Neonatal Studies, Network Computing, Neuropsychology, Neuroscience, Newspaper Journalism, Online Journalism, Outdoor and Environmental Education, Outdoor Leadership, Paramedic Practice, Performance, Personality Disorder, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Philosophy and Business, Philosophy and English Literature, Philosophy and Health Studies, Philosophy and Mental Health, Philosophy and Politics, Philosophy and Sociology, Photography, Photography and Fashion and Brand Promotion, Photography and Film Production, Photography and Journalism, Physics, Physics, Physics and Management, Physics and Management, Physics and Marketing, Physics and Marketing, Physics and Mathematics, Physics and Mathematics, Physics and Media Technology, Physics and Media Technology, Physics and Philosophy, Physics and Philosophy, Physiology and Pharmacology, Physiotherapy, Police and Criminal Investigation, Politics, Politics and History, Politics and Philosophy, Politics and Social Policy, Practice Enhancement Community Practice, Practice Enhancement Mental Health Practice, Press Communications, Primary Care Dentistry, Product Design, Professional Practice Adult Health, Professional Practice in HE, Project Management, Promoting Equality and Managing Diversity, Property Development, Psychology, Psychology, Psychology and Business, Psychology and Criminology, Psychology and Education, Psychology and Forensic Science, Psychology and Health Studies, Psychology and Law, Psychology of Child Development, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Public Health, Public Health, Public Relations, Public Relations and Management, Public Relations and Marketing, Rehabilitation Studies, Retail Management, Retail Management with Buying, Retail Management with Fashion, Retail Management with Marketing, Robotics and Mechatronics, Skills and Knowledge in Primary Care Mental Health Practice, Social Policy, Social Psychology, Social Work, Social Work, Social Work and Welfare Studies, Sociology, Sociology, Sociology and Criminology, Sociology and History, Sociology and Law, Sociology and Politics, Sociology and Social Policy, Software Engineering, Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Sport and Exercise Physiology, Sport and Exercise Physiology, Sport Management, Sport Psychology, Sport Science, Sport Therapy, Sports Coaching, Sports Development, Sports Journalism, Sports Management, Sports Studies, Sports Technology, Sports Therapy, Substance Misuse, Surface Pattern with Placement, Sustainable Business, Sustainable Energy Management, Sustainable Waste Management, Systems Management, Systems Management, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages with Applied Linguistics, Television Production, TESOL, TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Textile Innovations, Tourism Management, Tourism Management, Toy Design, Urban Forestry, Urban Forestry, Urban Regeneration, Values and Environment, Veterinary Nursing, Virtual Instrumentation, Web and Multimedia, Web and Multimedia and Business Information Systems, Web and Multimedia and Journalism, Web and Multimedia and Marketing.