Detailed interactive map The Robert Gordon University

Scotland, AB10 1FR Aberdeen, Schoolhill
Sponsorship: Public
Founding year: 1992
Students: 12790
Courses: Accounting and Finance, Advanced Architectural Studies / Architectural Studies, Agribusiness Management, Applied Biomedical Sciences, Architectural Technology, Architecture, Architecture, Art and Design, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Electronic Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Asset Integrity Management, Assistant Practitioners in Radiography, Biomedical Science, Business Administration, Business Information Systems, Clinical Pharmacy, Communication with Public Relations, Communications and Computer Engineering, Communications and Computer Engineering, Communications and Computer Network Engineering, Communications and Computer Network Engineering, Communications Engineering, Computer Network Management and Design, Computer Science, Computing and Information, Computing for Business and e-Commerce, Computing for Graphics and Animation, Computing for Intelligent Systems, Computing for Internet and Multimedia, Computing for Mobile Applications, Construction Design and Management, Construction Law and Arbitration, Construction Project Management, Corporate Communication and Public Affairs, Design, Design for Digital Media, Design Management, Diagnostic Radiography, Drilling and Well Engineering, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Electronic and Communications Engineering, Electronic and Communications Engineering, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Employment Law and Practice, European Policy, Law and Management, Financial Management, Fine Art, Food Business Management, Graphic Design, Health Improvement and Promotion, Human Resource Management, Information and Library Studies, Information Management, Information Systems Technology, Instrumental Analytical Sciences, Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture, International Business, International Commercial Law, International Hospitality Management, International Information Technology Law, International Marketing Management, International Tourism Management, International Tourism Management, International Trade, International Trade, Journalism, Knowledge Management, Law, Law and Management, Management, Management, Management with Economics, Management with Finance, Management with Human Resource Management, Management with Marketing, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Offshore Engineering, Mechanical and Offshore Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Media Studies, Midwifery, Multimedia Development, Nursing, Nutrition, Nutrition and Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Oil and Gas Engineering, Oil and Gas Law, Oil and Gas Law, Oil and Gas Management, Painting, Petroleum Production Engineering, Pharmacist Independent Prescribing, Pharmacy, Photographic and Electronic Media, Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy, Politics and Management, Politics and Research Methods, Prescribing Sciences, Printmaking, Product Design, Professional Nursing Studies, Professional Nursing Studies Health Care Practitioner, Project Management, Property Development, Public Administration, Public Health Nursing, Publishing Studies, Publishing with Journalism, Publishing with Journalism, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, Retail Management, Sculpture, Social Sciences, Social Work, Social Work, Social Work: Residential Child Care, Software Technology, Sport and Exercise Science, Surveying, Textiles and Surface Design, Three Dimensional Design, Visual Communication.