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НовостиНорвегия • 2013-05-15

Выберите страну и тип объекта Norwegian Breakaway christened by New York icons The Rockettes®

Norwegian Breakaway’s godmothers, the legendary Rockettes®, perform during the christening ceremony

Wiesbaden, May 14, 2013 – On May 8, Norwegian Cruise Line’s newest ship, Norwegian Breakaway, was christened by the legendary Rockettes® during a ceremony officiated by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Buddy Valastro, star of the TLC series “Cake Boss,” hosted the highly anticipated ceremony.

“The arrival of the Norwegian Breakaway, the largest cruise ship to homeport in Manhattan, is another proof point of the growth and success of New York City’s $200 million cruise sector, a cornerstone of the City’s $55 billion tourism industry,” said Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

Throughout the christening ceremony simulcast in ten venues around the ship, Norwegian Breakaway’s spectacular on-board amenities and entertainment were showcased in front of more than 4.000 guests. From live performances by Slam Allen, Howl at the Moon, Cirque Dreams & Dinner Jungle Fantasy, along with Burn the Floor and a show stomping finale featuring Rock of Ages, Norwegian Breakaway, the largest ship ever to homeport in Manhattan, kicked off its arrival to New York City in style.

“New York’s ship is home where she belongs,” said Kevin Sheehan, Norwegian Cruise Line’s President and CEO. “We’ve been anticipating this moment for more than two years and are so thrilled to finally have Norwegian Breakaway amongst New York City’s greatest icons. We thank the City of New York for the warm welcome and are looking forward to a very successful inaugural season.”

From left to right: Captain Evans Hoyt, Buddy Valastro, Kevin Sheehan and Geoffrey Zakarian celebrate Norwegian Breakaway’s christening in New York City

Boasting hull artwork designed by pop icon and America’s most popular living artist, Peter Max, Norwegian Breakaway was designed as New York’s ship inside and out. On board, guests will enjoy the high-calibre dining and entertainment options that New York City is known for worldwide, including three new restaurants by Food Network star and acclaimed New York chef Geoffrey Zakarian. The ship’s ground-breaking design also includes an open-air boardwalk called The Waterfront, the largest Aqua Park at sea, with five waterslides, and a wide array of accommodation choices including 60 suites in The Haven, innovative studios for solo travellers, oceanview staterooms, balcony staterooms and Mini Suite for families.

“The cruise industry in New York City continues to thrive, with a total economic impact of nearly $200 million last year alone, which is why we have made significant investments to accommodate a new generation of ships like the Norwegian Breakaway” said NYCEDC Executive Director Kyle Kimball. “The Norwegian Breakaway, a state-of-the-art ship, will ensure the continued growth in this critical industry, generating millions of dollars in spending, creating jobs and helping to maintain our reputation as a cruise capital of the world.\"

“Last year, New York City welcomed a record 52 million visitors, an all-time high, with the addition of Norwegian Breakaway, there will be even more opportunities for visitors to experience and enjoy the best that New York City has to offer, both on land and at sea,” said NYC & Company CEO George Fertitta.

Norwegian Breakaway has begun her weekly 7-night cruises to Bermuda, throughout the summer, on Sunday, May 12 with a special guest on board, Kevin Sheehan, the line’s President and CEO. From October through April, Norwegian Breakaway will offer 7-night voyages from the heart of Manhattan to the Bahamas and Florida, as well as two 12-night sailings to the Southern Caribbean.

Norwegian Breakaway

Designed as New York’s ship, Norwegian Breakaway brings the best of NYC to sea from her year-round homeport in Manhattan, offering the high-calibre dining and entertainment options that New York is known for worldwide. The ship’s ground-breaking design includes an open-air boardwalk, The Waterfront, and 678 Ocean Place; a wide range of indoor and outdoor venues on three dynamic decks that will create a whole new complex at sea that enhances guests’ connection with the ocean. Norwegian Breakaway’s entertainment includes three Broadway shows: five-time Tony nominated ROCK OF AGES; the dance sensation BURN THE FLOOR; and CIRQUE DREAMS & DINNER JUNGLE FANTASY. The famed comedy troupe The Second City, Howl at the Moon duelling pianos, and New York’s own Slam Allen also perform on the vessel. Norwegian Breakaway features an exciting fireworks show on every cruise that will dazzle guests on the second to last night at sea each week, and is the grand finale of a decadent 1980s-themed deck party.

Celebrity Chef and Food Network star Geoffrey Zakarian has also debuted his first restaurant at sea on Norwegian Breakaway: Ocean Blue by Geoffrey Zakarian, along with two additional venues, The Raw Bar and Ocean Blue on the Waterfront. Buddy Valastro, star of the TLC series “Cake Boss,” opened an extension of his popular bakery, Carlo’s Bake Shop, on board. The ship features a total of 27 dining options and an Ice Bar, which is kept at 8 degrees below zero and features New York City-inspired specialty cocktails, as well as ice sculptures of the Brooklyn Bridge and Statue of Liberty to pay homage to New York City.

The top decks of Norwegian Breakaway feature the first Aqua Park at sea with five full-size water slides, including twin Free Fall slides, the first ever at sea, and a three-storey sports complex that includes the largest ropes course at sea, a nine-hole miniature golf course, basketball court, rock climbing wall and more.

The ship will also feature a rich mix of stateroom options including The Haven by Norwegian™, comprised of 42 Suites at the top of the ship and 22 additional Suites located throughout the ship; the innovative Studios, designed and priced for solo travellers; inside, oceanview and balcony staterooms as well as Mini Suites; Spa Balcony staterooms, Spa Mini Suites and Spa Suites in close proximity to the spa.

For more information on the incredible features and accommodation choices on Norwegian Breakaway, visit www.breakaway.ncl.eu.

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