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НовостиБангкокТаиланд • 2014-07-27

Выберите страну и тип объекта Thousands of happy-faced balloons released as part of Thai tourism drive

Thousands of smiley-faced balloons were released into the skies above Bangkok as inviting symbols of friendship to entice travellers from around the world to visit the kingdom. This spectacular and memorable event took place on the first day of the Thailand Happiness: Street Festival extravaganza in Bangkok, which was held 25-26 July.

PIC1: Colourful balloons dominate the Bangkok skies

Thousands of the fun and happy-faced balloons float into the Bangkok skies as a reminder to the world that the famous welcoming Thai smile never dims.

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PIC2: Foreigners take part in releasing smiley balloons

Visitors to Thailand from around the world joined the fun and helped to take part in the great balloon release.

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PIC 3: Thailand Happiness: Street Festival

The Rama I and Ratchaprasong thoroughfares in the heart of Bangkok were transformed into a district of joy and fun for two days. The Thailand Happiness: Street Festival extravaganza stretched from the Ratchaprasong intersection as far as Rama I Road, taking in Central World Square and The Platinum Fashion Mall along the route.

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PIC 4: Happy People enjoying Happiness Street

Thai and international revellers enjoyed the fun activities of the city\'s new Happiness Street that for two days was Bangkok\'s beating heart. From Parc Paragon on Rama I Road to Ratchaprasong Square on Ratchadamri Road, stalls and shops sold refreshing drinks and funky fashion to the delighted crowds.

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PIC 5: Happiness Music and Parades

No street festival is complete without vibrant music and colourful parades. Throughout the two-day event, famous Thai artists performed up and down the streets to put smiles on the faces of the crowds with fun songs, special effects, sound and light shows.

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The Thailand Happiness: Street Festival was organised by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and took place 25-26 July 2014 between 3pm and midnight in the Ratchaprasong area (Ratchadamri Road linked with Rama I Road) in the heart of Bangkok. The events covered areas from Parc Paragon, Central World Square to The Platinum Fashion Mall and was unified under the theme \"Colour Your Life with Happiness\". The events were the result of collaboration between different elements of the Thai administration and the business community who joined forces to invite travellers and tourists to visit \"Thailand: The Land of Smiles.\"

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