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НовостиСловения • 2014-02-20

Выберите страну и тип объекта Feel Slovenia during the time of winter wonderland and the largest sporting events!

Feel Slovenia during the time of winter wonderland and the largest sporting events!

Slovenia is the cradle of skiing in Central Europe. Travel journalists planning to cover World Cup Biathlon Pokljuka are invited to enjoy the BiLoved Press Visit (Biathlon – Bohinj – Ljubljana).

Slovenia is probably one of the few countries where you can easily hit the ski slopes on a working day and later return to a meeting in the city. In the country between the Alps and the sea, everything is within reach and most ski resorts are well known for offering high-end spa experiences. Get to know snow-covered Slovenia!

This is also the season of Slovenian carnival events, which do not lack craziness, rollicking and social satire. The International Carnival in Ptuj with over 2000 loud kurents and the Year of the Frog in Cerknica will be this year’s main eye candies.

The next question is not a carnival joke! What do Slovenia in the middle of Europe and the Cook Islands in the middle of the Pacific have in common? They are linked by Slovenian ski champion Tina Maze, who is in love with the Olympic spirit in Sochi!

SLOVEnia has also received a lot of love from Rough Guide readers who voted for the top countries worth visiting this year.

\"So you want to Slovenia?\" Take a look at the February Newsletter and the attractive photo album, racking up over 50 thousand views by users from all around the globe within five days.

Spirit Slovenia - Slovenian Tourist Board

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