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НовостиРованиеми, туризмРованиемиЛапландияФинляндия • 2014-02-20

Выберите страну и тип объекта Only a Month to Go to the Winter Swimming World Championships in Rovaniemi!

The Winter Swimming World Championships 2014 take place in Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland, 20.-23. March. The exotic and extreme event has so far attracted nearly 1 200 participants from 34 countries.

- We’re glad to have the Championships back in Finland, as it all started in Oulu in 2006. Finland has a great number of active winter swimmers and about 40 per cent of the swimmers in WSWC 2014 are Finnish, says Mariia Yrjö-Koskinen, Chairwoman of the International Winter Swimming Association.

It’s a Celebration

The WSWC 2014 consists of competitive and not-so-competitive categories: the 450-metre endurance swimmers are seasoned experts, while participants in the Young Seals category – among them the players of local football club FC Santa Claus - are happy with a quick dip in the ice cold water.

- The Winter Swimming World Championships is a serious sports competition, but the fun and enjoyment of life is not forgotten. Swimming in cold open water is just so reviving! says Alexandr Jakovlevs, Supervisor of WSWC 2014.

Taking Over the Centre of Town

The swim stadium is a large pool dug into the ice covering the River Kemi that flows through Rovaniemi. On top of the fresh and fun competition atmosphere, food and beverage services keep spectators warm and happy in the competition area.

The WSWC 2014 is not limited to the river bank: on Lordi’s Square in the city centre, only a 10-minute walk from the stadium, the competition can be followed live on a big screen, and selected restaurants serve refreshments on terraces outside.

Party On!

An arctic outdoor party will take place on Lordi’s Square on Saturday 22nd March. Entertainment and good times will be enjoyed by swimmers, spectators, travellers and locals alike. The festivities go on until the wee hours with Disco Party in Bar Zoomit.

Luckily for party-goers, the centre of Rovaniemi is very compact and all venues are in the immediate vicinity of hotels and other services.

- Come and join the fun and international atmosphere at the Arctic Circle!

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