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NewsNew MexicoUnited States • 2012-05-28

Select the country and object's type Summer Exhibitions at the Las Cruces Museum of Art

Three summer exhibitions open at the Las Cruces Museum of Art on Friday, June 1, 2012. Featured exhibits include Lynn Wiley\'s \"Where is the Stopping Place\" \"Chicanismo\" by Gabriel Perez, and \"A Surprising Similitude in Mud and Paper\" with works by Sara D\'Alessandro and Harriet Russell. A reception for the artists will be held on Friday, June 1, 2012 from 5 to 7pm during the monthly Ramble. The exhibits close on Saturday, July 21, 2012.

Now a resident of Las Cruces, Lynn Wiley\'s large-scale watercolors are derived from her study of the ocotillo cactus. The images are without ornamentation so that they can be seen \"as directly as possible you would see a landscape.\" Ms. Wiley\'s works have been featured in numerous exhibitions.

Gabriel Perez, a native of Roswell, NM, who now resides in Las Cruces and Albuquerque, uses his southern New Mexico upbringing as a source for his art. His large and small scale works in the exhibit \"Chicanismo\" revolve around his \"surveys of tacos and burgers\" that \" a light-hearted way examine the concepts of Chicanismo or Mexican-American culture.\"

Sara D\'Alessandro and Harriet Russell are artists who work in different media creating similar images. Ms. D\'Alessandro\'s works in clay are \"...imbued with highly developed textures and patterns\" while Ms. Russell uses \"...paper, inks and paints to create and compose surreal images that come alive...\"

The Las Cruces Museum of Art is located at 491 N. Main Street, next to Branigan Cultural Center. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The Museum is closed Sundays and Mondays. For more information, call (575) 541-2137 or visit the website

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