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NewsNew MexicoUnited States • 2012-03-01

Select the country and object's type Russell Lee\'s Road by Bruce Berman at Branigan Cultural Center

Branigan Cultural Center presents \"Russell Lee\'s Road.\" This exhibition of photographs is on display from Friday, March 2, 2012 through Saturday, April 28, 2012.

NMSU Professor Bruce Berman, as part of a larger project, began exploring the current economic depression and the work of FSA artist Russell Lee. Berman started prowling \"Russell Lee\'s Road,\" shooting what he found and paying particular attention to the working people of the New Mexico landscape. Berman worked independently of Lee, using his own experience as a documentary photographer, shooting in his own well-developed style. Berman was searching for the essential \"Lee-land,\" but, as he always does, he was searching for himself in the people and places he visited. This exhibition is the visual representation of Berman\'s journey across Russell Lee\'s Road and the America they both found through their lenses.

This exhibition is part of the Journey Stories exhibition that will run concurrently. Journey Stories, a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian Institute\'s Museum on Main Street program, tells the story of American\'s journeys to and across the country.

The Branigan Cultural Center is located at 501 North Main Street. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 9am to 4:30pm. For more information, contact the Branigan Cultural Center at (575) 541-2154 or visit the Center\'s website at

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