World video travel guide

NewsCanada • 2011-11-21

Select the country and object's type Destination Canada: Recruitment and promotion of the Yukon

nce again this year, the Yukon Territory is represented at Destination Canada, which takes place on November 15, 16 and 17 in Paris and on November 19 in Brussels. The ultimate event for recruiting a skilled work force, this job fair attracts close to 4,000 people interested in working and living in Canada. Thanks to funding from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the territorial government, a four-person delegation is promoting the Yukon and job offers. Delegation:

· Sophie Delaigue, RDÉE Yukon’s director and coordinator of the delegation

· Isabelle Salesse, co-director of the Association franco-yukonnaise and director of the Adult Training and Counselling Service

· Isabelle St-Gelais, director of the Garderie du petit cheval blanc daycare

· Jennie Petelski, officer for the Yukon Nominee Program (YNP)

Click here to view job offers.

This year, in order to facilitate and expedite the hiring process, the Labour Market Opinion may not be required for temporary work permit applications for jobs in management, professional, technical or specialized positions resulting from Destination Canada.

Some facts about Destination Canada

· 800 participants expected each day

· The 10 provinces, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories are represented

· In 2010, more than 1,500 positions with 56 employers were advertised

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