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HAUNTED BATTLEFIELD TOUR & Events at Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park
– HBT Event Flyer
– Attached is a copy of the News Release
– If you have not fill-in the 60th Annual Clothesline Fair - Survey - September 3rd - 5th, 2011 (See the bottom of this e-mail)
October 22nd - 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. - Haunted Battlefield Tour - Tour groups will be guided from the amphitheater to the front of the historic Borden House along part of the park\'s walking trail. We\'ll also go down into the valley where the heaviest fighting occurred during the actual Battle of Prairie Grove. Meet at the park Amphitheatre. Admission: $2 adults, $1 kids Passes will be required for specific tour departure times. Passes are available the day of event.
December 3rd & 4th - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Christmas will be in the air as in the days of the Civil War at Prairie Grove Battlefield. While food is cooking in the Latta House kitchen, members of the local Wool and Wheel Handspinners Guild and the Dogwood Lace groups will be demonstrating spinning, weaving, and lace making. There will be guided tours through the historic Latta and Morrow houses. Various military drills, camp life, and other living history activities will be included throughout the weekend at various times and locations. Presented by volunteer reenactors from the NW 15th Ark Infantry and Cannon Demonstration with Walker’s Light Artillery. Admission: Free
2012 – December 1st & 2nd – 150TH ANNIVERSARY BATTLE OF PRAIRIE GROVE RE-ENACTMENT The park will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Prairie Grove. The original battle, fought on December 7, 1862, saw about 22,000 soldiers fighting most of the day, with about 2,700 killed, wounded, or missing. Every even-numbered year, Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park hosts a battle reenactment. During the weekend there will be many activities including tours through the Union, Confederate, and civilian camps, various military drills, cooking, spinning, and lace making demonstrations along with other living history programs. “Sutlers Row” features a number of vendors selling 19th century reproduction, books, and souvenirs. The battle demonstration begins at 1 p.m. each day, featuring charges and counterattacks by Union and Confederate infantry and cavalry. The reenactment is held on the actual battlefield near the historic Borden House. Reenactors, contact the park to register. Admission: Free. Parking $5 per vehicle.
- Survey - 60th Annual Clothesline Fair - September 3rd - 5th, 2011 @ Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park
There are still many left items from the Clothesline Fair in our lost and found drawer @ Hindman Hall VIC; can call 8 to 5 @ 479-846-2990 or please e-mail the park at Thank you for your time!
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey attached so we can continue to have a successful Clothesline Fair year after year.
Thanks again to everyone who helped with the Clothesline Fair.
We can hope all we want, but we do not really know if we are missing anything unless you tell us. Please take about 15-20 minutes and complete an online evaluation of Clothesline Fair.
We need your feedback to help Prairie Grove Battlefield Park and Clothesline Fair for next year. That will best serve you; if you have anything to add let me know.
Attached is the Clothesline Fair Survey, if you a chance to fill it out and send it back.
· To open the survey: Click this link:
· Note: The evaluation can only be completed once at each computer station. Please help colleagues without computers log on at someone else’s desk station to complete the survey.
Conducting this evaluation online:
1. allowed you to leave immediately upon adjournment,
2. allowed you adequate time for reflection,
3. is more green than paper responses,
4. allows us to more easily compile responses, and
5. affords complete anonymity if you choose.
Please note, if you are a die-hard statistics person, that we realize this survey is not written to be scientifically sound. It is, however, designed to draw honest, thorough, helpful feedback from you. There are many places on the survey for you to leave open-ended responses.
I have attached the template Schedule for next Clothesline Fair with some proposed changes that has been give to the Park.
Give me a shout if you have any questions. Also, if you come up with further comments or any ideas that could improve the Clothesline Fair after the survey is complete, feel free to email or call anytime.
We appreciate your time.
Have a good day and I hope to see you at the 61th Annual Clothesline Fair: 9/1/2012 - 9/3/2012!
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